Re: There are layers here
"Shit never cleans itself off of a shoe."
On his last day in Office, it was Obama who invented and approved the move of ICANN into the realm of UN / China and left America in tatters. He knows all about such issues.
76 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Sep 2012
and RUST snake oil sales men ? At least AMD has no h(ij)acked Boeing 777 airplanes on its list of 'achievements'. In 2014 things went sour for Boeing (MH370)(MH17). On the Boeing planes were then the latest Intel Lake CPUs installed. In August 2014 Intel issued an emergency microcode update :
In 2004 i started a small business with this mailing
OSS in your Company
Selling commodity software like standard shrink-wrapped boxes like Microsoft does, is indeed not suited in a GPL model. However high quality closed source software will never be download-able for free. Its all a matter of what quality is offered for the dollar. And also the EULA is of importance. If a large software corporation, no matter how powerful and huge, thinks it can wave away all legal liabilities inside a EULA, GPL-ed software as a starting point for a tailor made solution becomes attractive.
Dear Sir/Madam,
With much pleasure i want to announce through this mailing the foundation of my company Stockmann Automatisering as of januari 1st 2004. After the IT branche has sailed through diffecult times, i decided to pick up the gloves myself. Stockmann Automatisering is a single person company with the objective to realise the automation of smaller and middle large businesses through simple but effective means. The services supplied are typically maintenance of existing networks and servers and implementation and migration of new ones, with the focus on Linux and OSS (Open Source Software).
The importance of ICT, and in particular computer software, on businesses over the last years has risen to such an extend, that one can compare its impact to the same level of importance as the Coca-Cola recipy (a company secret) today has for the Coca Cola Corporation to achieve its company results. Why in earth should a company then choose to use Open Source Software, one may ask? If one realizes that a software program actually is some kind of recipy to conduct your business operation, its rather convenient to have its source code available and present inside your company. Not so much to the extend that Open Source enables the customer to apply bugfixes and improvements himself, but far more important, if your current software maintenance supplier actually is screwing things up, you as a single company are within the power to select a competing software service company, without having to worry about vendor-lockin and legal strings attached.
Stockmann Automatisering is trying to pursue to keep all used software components strictly open source. At least Open Source within your company. This means that in practice one is not forced to perform upgrades to newer versions of business critical software only because your supplier tells you so, actually only satisfying its own marketing decisions. Typically open source software upgrades are only performed when the customer wants to. For instance because the newer version has that extra worth while feature. In case bugs and security issues may occur, one has the possibility, exactly because its open source, to apply the patch or fix on the source code and build new binaries with the adjusted source code. This means that customers are enabled to run their business critical software on the same version upon years to come.
An important condition which we need to make however, is that of all software packages in use, at all times, the complete source code should be available. Either on the server and on cdrom, dvd or tape. Typically a customer over time will buildup her own repository of used open source sofware, of which scheduled a sealed copy/backup should be made. The more one applies self created patches and improvements , which is called customisation programming, this backup and archiving will come essential. Not to mention and forget the accompanying documentation.
If your interested, send a response/email or give a call, and i will be honoured to further explain what is possible.
With kind regards,
R.M. Stockmann
When Microsoft went from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95, a strange question sometimes popped up when installing updates : "Do you always trust Microsoft ?" Thats when i began to wonder if Microsoft was a software company or a front for some strange cult. The timing of this was rather unfortunate, as a year earlier i had lost a MS Word document, which was a project proposal to retrieve research funding from the EU. I decided to not use MS Word but to reenter the text using Word Perfect . That was long ago. Some time later i installed RedHat 4.2 as my second OS.
The hostile position which Microsoft takes today with its new edition of Microsoft's Defender for Endpoint shows that trust has deteriorated, and as recently was announced that "Microsoft is laying off 10,000 employees", CNN, Wed January 18, 2023 a number of former Microsoft employees might get hired by ... the NSA : "NSA wooing thousands of laid-off Big Tech workers for spy agency's hiring spree", The Washington Times - Friday, February 3, 2023. It is understandable that Ballmer's Trust in his former employees might be subject to Rust erosion.
Why would the largest spy and surveillance organization in the world, the 5-eyes mammoth, be pushing a thing called Rust ? Who controls Rust ? Does Rust have some nasty stuff embedded inside, which can trigger unsolvable exploits ? "New security update : install new build of Rust, fixes 26 security errors immediately." Is Rust adopting the Google Chrome model of peddling zero day exploits in new builds ? With C/C++ there's apparently no such market possible for the dark net dragons.
When watching the Linux Plumbers Conference i saw speakers walking around with face-masks, while the video was recorded on Sep 19 2022. The pandemic was already declared over 6 months ago. Also Linus Torvalds was reportedly very sick in 2021, and that was when the plan to move to Rust was hatched. All this together smells like a dark plot and sketchy coup over the destiny of the Linux Kernel. A new conference should be organized, which has a real attendance in an open setting, announced at least 6 months in advance and without imposed travel problems, like vaccination mandates. Microsoft promoted and has financial stakes in both Rust in the Linux kernel and the mRNA "vaccine" shots. This is not a proper way of affairs.
A previous story here was :
Cloudflare explains how it managed to break the internet
'Network engineers walked over each other's changes'
Replace Cloudflare with either Intel or AMD and you might have found a lead on whats happening. Maybe not so prevalent in the CPU tech industry but even more so in software. No doubt essential Linux distros and Opensource software are subjected to this dangerous trend. One should admit though that newcomers also want to make their mark inside tech, but not when woke and transgender have become more important over all others things important, where even education institutions are hypnotized in doing just that.
Back to reality.
AMD currently has the hottest 8-Core gear in their arsenal and its AMD Epyc CPU is implemented inside the Supercomputer Frontier, the current no.1 inside the Top-500.[2] "The new HPE Cray EX architecture combines 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ CPUs optimized for HPC and AI with AMD Instinct™ 250X accelerators and Slingshot-11 interconnect."[1] Intel has become the loser in this field where only 19 of 39 new announced mainframes are using Intel Xeon. AMD has become the big iron specialist where Epyc is listed 5 times inside the top-10, Intel Xeon only apears at place 9. [3]
[1] The 59th edition of the TOP500, JUNE 2022
[2] All-AMD US Frontier supercomputer ousts Japan's Fugaku as No. 1 in Top500
[2] Endlich Exaflops! | c't | Heise Magazine
systemd is actually a Trojan horse software package which was successfully launched into the open source UNIX community, not only Linux. once Microsoft had established their BOOT BIOS Hegemony called UEFI in new hardware. The documentation for systemd on is rather vague, certainly is miles away from the much-vaunted Unix "philosophy". In short, systemd can do anything, not only has taken over udev but has grabbed sole rights (Monopoly?) when it concerns hardware with UEFI :
page 9 :
"systemd can interface with the boot loader to receive performance data and other information, and pass control information. This is only supported on EFI systems. Data is transferred between the boot loader and systemd in EFI variables. All EFI variables use the vendor UUID 4a67b082-0a4c-41cf-b6c7-440b29bb8c4f. "
A good remedy is to have new hardware released with a old-fashioned but proven legacy BIOS. Maybe AMD can be of help and do a Elon Musk style buyout of Microsoft UEFI .
In 1991 someone in the Math Dept. grabbed my elbow and pulled me to a DECstation and wanted me to show the Internet. He said type this in : ftp I said what does this do ? It connects to a server in Finland so can you download all their files. At that moment i decided to reduce my PhD efforts and concentrate on all aspects Internet. Did have problems with ftp ? No of course not. Why does Google have problems with ftp today ? Oh wait its Google who has problems with the entire world now. Obviously today Google is China controlled, so who is Google to snuff out ftp ?
Recently the Big Browsers like google chrome and now also opera have switched ftp off by default, labeling it a "dangerous" experiment. If you know the dangers you can still use ftp:// from your browers . Here's how to enable old-style ftp inside opera As of opera-stable_78.0.4093.147 the Big Browsers came to the conclusion that the ftp:// experiment had become to dangerous. If you know the dangers you can still obtain the older versions and are available here
In the councils of government and public institutions, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Evergreen-Woke complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced code and conduct exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.
In the spring of 1993 Linus held a presentation at our Dutch NLLGG group gathering. At the end I asked him , why are you doing this ? You want to prevent that the Intel platform becomes fully infected with the Windows virus ? No he said, its commercial closed source UNIX which can become a real problem. You mean for instance SCO Unix ? He nodded. Now might IBM pull it off to obtain all exclusive rights and "ownership" to Linux and related open source software like Gnu Software, as Richard Stallman rightly pointed out, with only a kernel you don't have a Operating System, we are basically back to square one in 1992. So something needs to be done to secure the position Linux currently has. Some say its the GPL that has kept Linux safe, but when times change, the unthinkable can happen.
Check here
and here
$ cobc -V
cobc (GnuCOBOL) 3.0-rc1.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Written by Keisuke Nishida, Roger While, Ron Norman, Simon Sobisch, Edward Hart
Built Jan 05 2019 21:34:12
Packaged Apr 22 2018 22:26:37 UTC
C version "4.6.1 20110627 (Mandriva)"
"The inbox is renamed the "Imbox" on the basis that anything that makes it is "Im"portant. File attachments that you send are not included with the email, but sent as links to files stored on Basecamp's servers." This is the fight for who gets hands on clients email and data. If you buy a Apple you expect Apple to be that company, if such things cannot be circumvented. But now out of the blue "Basecamp's servers" throw a wrench in the Apple clutch. Apple wins, Basecamp looses.
$ tar xzpf sudo-1.8.27.tar.gz
$ tar xzpf sudo-1.8.28.tar.gz
$ diff -uNr sudo-1.8.27 sudo-1.8.28 > sudo.diff
$ ls -l sudo-1.8.27.tar.gz sudo-1.8.28.tar.gz sudo.diff
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3293178 Oct 16 15:18 sudo-1.8.27.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3309744 Oct 16 15:15 sudo-1.8.28.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3654730 Oct 26 19:08 sudo.diff
$ wc -l sudo.diff
92512 sudo.diff
So the diff file going from 1.8.27 to 1.8.28 is 92.512 lines long, I wonder what caused this .
There's more to this than meets the eye. What was publicized was one of the longest living zero-days exploits out there. Apparently in only very peculiar sudo configurations this sudo zero-day exploit was able to run as root. To be honest i never had heard of sudo until i started installing ubuntu and debian based linux distros. These people most damned know more of the whole story. Also the diff file going from version 1.8.27 and 1.8.28 is suddenly more than a million miles of lines long. Why so ? There's more to hide within sudo ? Therefor here's my sudo contribution for older Linux versions :
for Mandrake 10.1 and RedHat 7.3
Mandriva 2011
Trump urged American companies, who operate overseas, to come home. Apple is the premier American company who is at the cross roads to either become a State owned China vehicle (which Google obviously has become) or move all operations back to US mainland and remain the corporation Americans expect Apple to be. Apple must have been pondering to do full return to America. Next Google plays the Project Zero card, which one can translate as the Chinese Peoples Party ordering Google to sink the Apple iPhone division in any way, shape or form possible. It is important to realize that Apple is foremost a hardware company and Google is still far away from reaching such a level. Rumors have it that Google is mainly a global company, facilitating IT services for the secret service branches of several countries.
"A question flashed through my mind: how dangerous is this? And immediately discarded it: we were on a main road in the heart of San Francisco. Dozens of people were nearby. All I had to do was get him on the ground and someone would come help me pin him down."
Sorry dear but San Francisco is a Sanctuary city and as such has been condemned as failed territory :
San Francisco Supervisors Sanitize ‘Convicted Felon’ to ‘Justice-Involved Person’
Are we sure it's not straight from the movie script ?
"an unfortunate user has downloaded "the thing"
[ .. ]
And of course Windows 10, to which Microsoft would dearly like users to upgrade, is not affected by the borkening.
Thanks to all the Reg readers who got in touch about this.
We feel your pain. ® "
This is exactly why Putty was, has been and still will be highly successful. A screwup comes with a single persons responsibility, and not some corporate haywire mess, including fake semi-scientific pdf publications "delivering" hazy proof of concept for vulnerabilities.
Big Blue: "In cases where networks were compromised by attackers, IBM X-Force saw a shift to cybercriminals abusing administrative tools, instead of malware, to achieve their goals. "
Are you sure the local Admin wasn't pressured/bribed to share admin passwords and credentials ?
It's all about your business model, given that in the past you as a business owner bet on the right platform to run, which obviously was and is some PC UNIX i386 variant in the case of Unix/Linux. SCO OpenServer has been around since the days of the AT 80286 PC's. Today when looking for the latest you type in and arrive at Xinuos which no one knows. However your old SCO UNIX keys seem still to work or not ... If however you can get SCO OS5 to run on the latest hot x86_64 iron available, making your old applications available at todays cpu and disk speeds, you win. If applications which run on ScoOS5 follow the same business model no one will complain.
AMD is clearly the winner over Intel these days, with its Ryzen Threadripper ripping Intel apart. On full load the CPU's Temperature doesn't exceed 50 oC (122F). Clearly the NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Judge has been pressured to allow this ridiculous class-action lawsuit, which is only a fight over words. When was the last time that happened ?
"At Just Over Half The Power…?!
Also, in that same test, it showed the system level power. This includes the motherboard, DRAM, SSD, and so on. As the systems were supposedly identical, this makes the comparison CPU only. The Intel system, during Cinebench, ran at 180W. This result is in line with what we’ve seen on our systems, and sounds correct. The AMD system on the other hand was running at 130-132W. If we take a look at our average system idle power in our own reviews which is around 55W, this would make the Intel CPU around 125W, whereas the AMD CPU would be around 75W."
The same NCC trainee should be given the opportunity to do the exercise again using a VBox image , the favorite version of Kali Linux used by Pro's from Eastern Europe, Middle and Far East :
Kali Vbox downloads :
Kali iso downloads :
His two volume set monumental work "A treatise on electricity and magnetism" (c)1873 has remained hidden in some drawer of the Gravitational Department of Berkeley CA (University of California) for decades. The only copy left ? The successful detection of Gravitational waves by Thorne was rewarded with the 2017 Nobel Prize of Physics. When glancing through the Gravitation bible and comparing the covered content like introducing e.g. Chapter 4 ELECTROMAGNETISM AND DIFFERENTIAL FORMS Box 4.2 ABSTRACTING A 2-FORM FROM THE CONCEPT OF "HONEYCOMB¬ LIKE STRUCTURE," IN 3-SPACE AND IN SPACETIME with that of Maxwell's 1873 work you know that the Berkeley professors were peeking in Maxwell's 1873 book set all of the time. He probably died premature because of his opinion on the instantaneous nature of E, the electric field, which was opposed by Einstein and the Berkeley professors, who imposed a general speed limit of c. Of course the speed of light was first calculated by Maxwell. In 1962 J.D. Jackson published Classical Electrodynamics 1st ed probably the best book on its subject. It seems however that his first edition contained some inconsistencies in Chapter 11 Special Theory of Relativity, that it took only a few year before J.D. Jackson was berglarized to join Berkeley in order to publish his famous 2nd edition, in which Chapter 11 on Special Theory was totally rewritten .
I sense that a global effort is ongoing to shutdown open source software by brute force. First, the enforcement of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by to enable untraceable takeovers of domains. Microsoft buying github. Linus Torvalds forced out of his own Linux kernel project because of the Code of Conduct and now IBM buying RedHat. I wrote the following at "Torvalds should lawyer up. The problems are the large IT Tech firms who platinum donated all over the place in Open Source land. When IBM donated with 1 billion USD to Linux in 2000 a friend who vehemently was against the GPL and what Torvalds was doing, told me that in due time OSS would simply just go away.
These Community Organizers, not Coders per se, are on a mission to overtake and control the Linux Foundation, and if they can’t, will search and destroy all of it, even if it destroys themselves. Coraline is merely a expendable pion here. Torvalds is now facing unjust confrontations and charges resembling the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Looking at the CoC document it even might have been written by a Google executive, who themselves currently are facing serious charges and lawsuits from their own Code of Conduct. See, their leaked video the day after the election of 2016. They will do anything to pursue this. However to pursue a personal bias or agenda furnishing enactments or acts such as to, omit contradicting facts (code), commit perjury, attend riots and harassments, cleanse Internet archives and search engines of exculpatory evidence and ultimately hire hit-men to exterminate witnesses of truth (developers), in an attempt to elevate bias as fabricated fact (code) are crimes and should be prosecuted accordingly."
Rule Number 1 : The bad guys always operate under secrecy. Rule Number 2: The good guys never operate under secrecy.
How it came about that today the EU and appear to work hand in hand to cast a dark shade of secrecy over all Domain Registry's across the world is a good question.
I think two new developments got mixed up here. 1 The impact of The European Laws on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as has enforced them upon all Domain Registry's across the globe :
Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data
Adopted on 17 May 2018 by ICANN Board Resolutions 2018.05.17.01 2018.05.17.09
2. the special case of Great Britain and The United Kingdom who are in a process of leaving the EU called BREXIT. For instance today has its Organizational Information masked (involuntary or enforced by Statutory Rule ?) :
whois -h :
Domain Name:
Registry Domain ID: D169413-LROR
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2018-01-22T17:44:05Z
Creation Date: 1997-03-07T00:00:00Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2019-03-08T05:00:00Z
Registrar: GANDI SAS
Registrar IANA ID: 81
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +33.170377661
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status:
Domain Status:
Domain Status:
Domain Status:
Registry Registrant ID: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
Registrant Organization: The Linux Foundation
Registrant State/Province:
Registrant Postal Code: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
My own domain is now "protected" by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well :
whois -h :
Domain Name: STOKKIE.NET
Registry Domain ID: 68885803_DOMAIN_NET-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2018-03-20T03:30:56Z
Creation Date: 2001-04-05T22:00:27Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2019-04-05T22:00:27Z
Registrar IANA ID: 2
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Name: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Organization: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Street: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant City: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant State/Province: NB
Registrant Postal Code: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Country: NL
Registrant Phone: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Phone Ext: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Fax: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Fax Ext: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Of course i don't want Network Solutions LLC to mask my information, it is however overruled and enforced by :
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) FAQs
"[ ... ]
How will manage WHOIS masking for EU residents?
In order to comply with GDPR, and protect personally identifiable information (PII), will mask certain fields in the WHOIS output for EU residents. A sample of this output is detailed below:
Domain Name:
Registry Domain ID: 142700135_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2017-12-04T08:00:03Z
Creation Date: 2005-02-16T23:28:11Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2019-02-16T23:28:11Z
Registrar:, Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 9
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Registrant ID: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Name: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Organization: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Street: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant City: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant State/Province:
Registrant Postal Code: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Country: BE
Registrant Phone: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Phone Ext.: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Fax: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Fax Ext.: Statutory Masking Enabled
Registrant Email:
// --- // (etc,)
Will be implementing tiered access for its WHOIS database?
At this time, does not plan to implement tiered access for its WHOIS database. However, ICANN and its Stakeholders are actively working toward a uniform solution which will help meet the needs of the broader global community.
How will domain transfers work in a post-GDPR environment? will comply with its obligations under the ICANN 2013 RAA (Registrar Accreditation Agreement) with regard to intra-registrar transfers as well as the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data which can be found at this page.
The information contained herein in no way constitutes legal advice. Any person who intends to rely upon or use this information in any way is solely responsible for independently verifying the information and obtaining independent expert advice if required."
£6 a year for : Safeguard against theft , Hiding your personal information. These two options seem to contradict each other. When hiding personal information, the domain robbers can operate from any address. When not hiding , the simple requirement of demanding registered mail from and to your address, e.g. 2610 Rutherford St Westminster, London, SW1P 2LT , UK as part of the transfer of your domain makes it nearly impossible for third parties to hijack/steal your domain.
HP Devices seem to be HP Computers, where a HP Keyboard can be attached. Did anyone experienced in Microsoft Logic, try to boot their HP Device without a HP Keyboard attached, and check if that circumvents the blue screen error WDF_VIOLATION ? If so, you might get a clue whether you have a Genuine HP Keyboard or Chinese import version with keylogger inside.
When you see this happen, all your files getting deleted, pull the plug and or battery. Next boot from a Ubuntu 16.04 installation or live usb stick :
when booted live do : sudo apt-get install testdisk
The manual for this tool, which works - i rescued a company's crown juwel files with it, after a accidental quick NTFS format had happened - is here
an instruction video :
Without Linux there would not have been the Internet as we know it today. Many have cursed you over its GPL license, because then conventional business plans become impossible. IT Sharks during the Millennium bubble took down or have taken over many good and reputable software companies, where then only 2 or 3 years later all was vanished including these IT Sharks themselves. You and Linux are still here today, which is a blessing. Don't get mad, your code has the largest installed platform base in the Universe.
Why does everyone toss Trump's suggestion in the Trash can here ? The dailybeast article about the missing server that never was missing etc. holds no validity in debunking the complaint by Trump. "Both the DNC and the security firm Crowdstrike, hired to respond to the breach, have said repeatedly over the years that they gave the FBI a copy of all the DNC images back in 2016. The DNC reiterated that Monday in a statement to the Daily Beast."
What matters is that the FBI was halted at the doors of the DNC and that none other than The FBI is supposed to secure the evidence. So yes Crowdstrike would have had to ask persmission at the FBI to make images. Otherwise any ex-infiltrated Russian SVR operative within Crowdstrike could have tweaked these DNC images.
The new EULA of no doubt will ensure that Anyone submitting code to github, has to agree that Microsoft will become the sole owner of your code. Second Linus Torvalds will be visited by the Microsoft Lawyers and forced to sign an agreement that any further use of the github protocol on other venues than like e.g., can only occur when signing the Microsoft owned github protocol license, which comes at a hefty price for Multiuser Microroost Enterprise Environments. Not knowing anything further, i would suggest that Linus has had a massive brain aneurysm. "Git (/ɡɪt/[7]) is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. [ ... ] Original author(s) Linus Torvalds[1]"
GitHub - torvalds/linux: Linux kernel source tree
GitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 80 million projects
In December 2015 the same happened to the founder of Debian, Ian Murdock. On 28 December 2015 the founder of Debian Linux, Ian Murdock, was killed in his apartment under suspicious circumstances. The next year early spring, on 9 Mar 2016 Linux hackers were kindly summoned to put their coffees down and listen up as Microsoft had just launched a Debian Linux-based switch operating system. The story of Hans Reiser, whose journaled computer file systems ReiserFS has become a integral part of Microsoft NTFS is even more graveling. See also the movie "The Adderall Diaries (2015)"
Equifax wiki : "Equifax Workforce Solutions is one of the 55 contractors hired by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to work on the web site.[15] [15] USAtoday, front page October 24, 2013, “Hot seat for stealth website builders" So this was one of the IT companies which designed and runs Obamacare, hired by the Obama Administration. Next a single member of the company's security team misses to apply a patch for Apache Struts security vulnerability CVE-2017-5638 which landed in March 2017. Equifax CEO Rick Smith was forcibly retired for this later "Equifax CEO Richard Smith Who Oversaw Breach to Collect $90 Million" . This stinks from high heaven. All this happened while President Trump was trying to fix health-care in US Congress. This has all the hallmarks of a secret service job attempting to bring American Healthcare in serious trouble.
Why does this sound like twitter this time finally will get things right for their 3rd party investors ? I have never had any troubles with twitter and passwords. There have never been such problems reported at twitter. So how far off does it sound that the claim "On Thursday, Twitter revealed that a bug caused the platform to store user passwords in unmasked form." is only meant for prominent people on Twitter, like Donald Trump, who are getting setup by this "engineering trouble" ?
The Victims-exposure-heatmap.jpg according the Fin7 Syndicate Hacks website is drawn in nasty WaPo compost Democracy dies in darkness style , a nasty campaign launched by the owner, that truck driver resembling Rusty Nail inside the movie Joy Ride, who nowadays is accompanied with a.i. killer dog robot. This has become a commie versus capitalist street fight in cyberspace. Meanwhile the FBI is still busy cracking custom made Canadian Blackberries confiscated in Mexico.
Maybe its time that SPARC64 processors are getting deployed in PC's and laptops. This might wake up the correct department of Intel to really fix their design flaws. Or was Spectre inserted by design ? A new CPU branch and line of computers is what would be welcome here. It's not that we are talking about oldie tech here : There's the SPARC M7, SPARC S7 and SPARC M8 from Oracle running at 5000 MHz and the SPARC64 XII from Fujitsu running at 4250 MHz.
"Latest release: 10.13.1 (17B48) (October 31, 2..."
So hackers or related entrepreneurs had a possible four weeks of fun. Normally I would call this a glitch by Apple. But then again, the timing is interesting, where in other news it was reported that US Marines raided the CIA and the FBI was "neutralized" ...
If you go to a PC and Laptop stores these days, the sales people put a truckload of refurbished laptops on display without any display of shame on their faces, with prices only slightly less than 100 bucks below brand-new laptop editions. The real reason behind this seems to have been that with the start of Windows 7 and above, built-in back-doors for national security were demanded by the NSA which in part were also implemented in hardware. In addition in the opensource kernel developers scene several strange things could be observed, like the inserting of kernel patches enabling entire backdoor suites inside the Linux kernel, where at the same time strangely enough inside major Linux distributions, like Ubuntu, openssl packages were lacking support for SSLv3 in contradiction with OpenBSD and FreeBSD. To play it safe I then would routinely install older editions of popular Linux distro's, which of course require older hardware. In turn the refurbished marketplace was given a significant boost. Then again, Why would someone NOT purchase a refurbished laptop which can run Windows 7 ?
Robert M. Stockmann - RHCE
Network Engineer - UNIX/Linux Specialist