* Posts by Sam O'kell

2 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jun 2007

TorrentSpy filters pirated videos

Sam O'kell

You didn't say why my statement was IGNORNAT friend. Sorry to point that out.

IGN-ronat and he copied it directly well there's a turn up for the books, and no mistake. I didn't think that one, would sidle past media savvy censors amongst you so easily. The word is actually ignorant, see what I did with the letter switching, oh aren't I clever, no, oh well that's my cross to bear and I’ll just have to live with it.

In my opinion which I think is measured in my own sphere of society my comments are not ignorant. I agree with Mr. Magoo on most points. I have no stance on downloaded software (I don't play games except pro evo and EA cricket two wonderful games which seem too crash in price a few weeks after their respective PC releases while holding their value on all console formats, if that ain't a conspiracy I don't know what is) and my grammar and spelling are fine for my needs, so I survive admirably with Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. However my position on humanity is that strangely we seem to perform best when backed into a seemingly unwinnable position. When we are in that state personally I believe the best option is to adapt and change not to try and swim against an overwhelming tide of opposition. So we come again to films and music. Look at it this way people are going to find a way to file share whether the industry likes it or not. So short of making it punishable by death or something close, or sending law enforcement officers into every home to physically prevent it. The best way to fight the issue is to develop a new strategy, rather than fill the coffers of an already bloated legal system. Work round it, do what the film industry did at its inception. Wow us, create desire that can't be fulfilled with a pirate copy. You did it once less than a hundred years ago. Surely the ideas haven't dried up so soon, Instead of running to the legal armour, wield the foil of innovation.

Oh and on the position of Mr Gabriel, I think his day is done. I can’t see a much greater fan base growing in the near future. So unless artists follow his example I fear his efforts could largely go unnoticed. Maybe we are heading for the days of all inclusive ISP’s who knows, if I could predict the future I sure wouldn’t be typing this. Maybe we are on the same path as Rex Mundi in Robert Rankin’s Armageddon trilogy. I for one have greater hopes for us all.

Sam O'kell

Just Forget about it

All their efforts are a waste of time and money. If man can make it, man can circumvent it. What's the point anyway you only have to look at the new approach taken by artists in the music industry, as a reply to the depletion of their earnings by illegal file sharing. Namely the fresh new stars making melodious waves realise they need to protect their income. They can't do that by sitting in studios making lacklustre recordings (take note Mr Williams and the like), no out on the road gigging, is how the best will make the top dollar in the coming few decades. Grafting at the coalface.

Whatever victories you win in courts will be hollow. If you really want to beat the pirates, put your money where your mouth is. Stop turning out the repetitive dirge you are at the moment and fight back. Not in the courts in the cinemas wow us with your true talents. Stop making the legal firms richer (they are truly the blight on our fair planet). Find the next Kubrick, Scorsese or even Jackson. Say to the pirates "try get people to watch this on a shitty out focus CAM release, the only place people will want to see this epic, is on 35mm Splendour". That's how you deal with file sharing you ignorant fools.