Re: Edge has so little market share that they don't matter?
"Actually yes, but it's long winded, tedious and your app won't work on many devices."
So, although technically possible in a very limited way, in practice there is no way.
70 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Sep 2012
Thing is, Edge is based on the same open source rendering engine as Chrome, so I'm not sure how it follows the same path as IE, unless you are implying that Chrome is also the new IE. How is Edge any worse than Chrome? The reason why Edge is enabled by default is because it offers the same compatibility as Chrome but with more enterprise control.
You sound a little unhinged to be honest, and a bit of a grumpy old fart. Windows 10 works fine. In fact, I really enjoy using it and much prefer it to Windows 7.
The whole point of touch and pen input on a big screen is so that you can input directly onto it. It's simply another form of input, but it doesn't remove any of the existing forms such as mouse or keyboard, so it's not like you're forced to use it.
If you really want an example of a device that is tiring to use, go and check out the iPad Pro, because that does not support mouse. You have no option but to use touch.
BTW, if you want a monitor which supports portrait, I'd recommend Dell.
2D? What 2D? All my windows appear 3D with shadows. My Start menu has an Aero type effect, as does the Notifications bar on the right. Looks great.
What about the forced updates? You can defer with the Pro version, but it's a good thing to make sure everyone is up to date.
I've not come across anything irritating in Windows 10. I've come across some sandal-wearing nerds who think it's rubbish and spout FUD about it, but that's about the only irritation I have encountered.
OK, so I deleted as appropriate and ended up with this -
"MS really need to have a think about this because as much as they wave figures around the only way is down for this".
Not sure that makes any sense, since it appears to be going up in popularity, which reflects my experience in the work place (and outside of work). Not sure what all the fuss is about - I really like Windows 10 - much prefer it to Windows 7.
Planty, I'm in a similar situation, except that for me I have no need for anything from Google or Apple, so I'm happy to be all in with Microsoft. There might be some hardware I have which runs some version of unix (no idea to be honest) but when it comes to software which I choose, it's always Microsoft, which is great.
Visual Studio is the best IDE for me, by a long way.
It's great to have the choice to go all in with your preferred platform.
The metadata being sent is the same data that ALL browsers send to any web server, based on your browser settings. As for the photo metadata, well so what? There should be no personal information in there unless you specifically added it.
Why are you making some kind of a big deal out of it?
What if they DO hit 1 billion? And what if they hit half that, which is still 500 million? What if it becomes more popular than Windows 7? That's still a huge number of devices. So, if Microsoft makes it easy to port mobile apps, it actually gives the devs a massive target audience, and potential new inroads into enterprise too, with very little effort.
Although Surface Pro 3 doesn't run Android natively, it CAN run Android apps by installing Bluestacks. But why would you bother? I tried it and it wasn't worth the hassle. There are enough apps in the Windows store and there's millions of desktop apps to choose from too.
"Who remembers Klik & Play?"
For anyone who is only interested in the mechanics of a game, and doesn't care much for actual coding, I think applications such as Klik & Play (or whatever it's called now) work very well. For casual gaming where you want quick results, I really don't see the problem with it.
Free for a year...
This means that you have a year from the launch of Windows 10 to move from Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10 for free. If you don't move to Windows 10 within a year of launch, then it will COST you to move from Windows 7 or 8.1 to 10 thereafter.
Basically, Microsoft are offering a FREE migration path for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users, for a period of 1 year. XP users will therefore have to pay to migrate to Windows 10.
You don't need to talk to Cortana. You can write to her too, and as you're writing she automatically tries to pre-empt what you want to do with intelligent suggestions, exactly as Microsoft showed in the demo. It looked pretty good IMHO.
Also, Cortana does things in the background for you - it's not just about having a dialogue with her.
"Also I'll point out that writing software for iOS is literally the same as OS X except for the UI stuff."
Yeah, and the whole point of Windows universal apps is that writing software for phone, tablet, desktop, Xbox, IoT is the same, except for the UI stuff and some resources (camera and GPS being good examples where resources differ between form factors).
"Different form factor / usage devices need different GUIs, sometimes different APIs and OS features
Different form factor, resource & use devices (Phones. tablets, desktop PC/Laptops, TVs, set-boxes, mobile Internet vs broadband vs no Internet) often have widely differing applications.
Applications can only be really GUI independent for the same form factor.
MS have always done this wrong (since Win CE, WWFG and Win9x) and are now making it worse.
They don't seem to get it"
It seems to me that it's YOU who doesn't get it, because universal apps provide exactly what you describe, which is a customised GUI and customised resource usage for each target form factor.
"Microsoft should replace icons with tiles fully. I would like to have tiles which can be resized and can look like simple icons (but yet display some info) when "minimized", or display more information when set at different sizes."
You can already do this in Windows 8.1. Tiles can be resized, and the smallest size is a simple small icon. And if you want it to be static instead of displaying live data, then you can do that too!
In Windows 10, apps appear as normal icons in the Start menu. You can optionally drag them to the Live area of the Start menu where they become resizable Live Tiles.
And yes, the mail app tile (for example) already shows you different incoming messages depending on the size of the tile, or just a number when it's minimised to it's smallest icon to indicate the number of new messages. Other app tiles also show you tasks and status etc. It sounds to me like you haven't even used Windows 8.1.
Microsoft is competing fair and square in the cloud market, and it's clearly doing very well. No need for 'softies to post here in any kind of defence, because the product speaks for itself. Azure is doing well because it's a very good product and offers good value for money.
"Cloud vendors? Anyone But Microsoft, thanks. I've learned my lessons the hard way."
Typical ABMer response. That fact is that Microsoft is competing in the cloud market fair and square. It's called competition, and Microsoft happens to be doing very well, much to the annoyance of the ABM crowd.
The point of cloud computing is that you don't need to trust them with your data. You can have a hybrid cloud solution where your data lives on-site at your premises while the rest of your infrastructure and services can live in the cloud, if you so choose. That's the beauty of Microsoft Azure's cloud services - YOU choose where your data lives, and YOU choose how to tailor the cloud IaaS and PaaS to meet your requirements.
The correct order in terms of current market share is (in descending order of size) -
1. Amazon
2. Microsoft
3. Google
In terms of technology, they are all about the same, although I think Microsoft are currently slightly ahead.
In terms of growth, Microsoft appears to be leading.
Metro is NOT one app at a time. It allows you to view multiple apps side by side. The number you can view depends on the screen resolution. Normally you can view 2 or 3 apps side by side, but more is possible.
Also, Metro supports multiple monitors, so you can have 2 or 3 apps on one monitor, 2 or 3 apps on the second monitor, 2 or 3 apps on the third monitor, and have the desktop on a separate monitor too.
Yes, but the cheap laptop you speak of doesn't have a Wacom digitizer, it doesn't have 8GB RAM, and it doesn't have an SSD. The Surface Pro will significantly outperform it.
Besides, I was just pointing out that the tablet spec you mentioned already exists, and the Surface Pro is just one example.
That's what the Surface Pro 2 tablet is for. It has a 64-bit Haswell Intel Core i5 processor. You can choose either 4 GB or 8 GB RAM. You can choose either 64 GB / 128 GB / 256 GB / 512 GB SSD (mSATA). It has a USB 3.0 port, a Micro SD card slot, and a Mini Display port to drive multiple high-res external monitors. It has an integrated Wacom digitizer.
I have the 8 GB RAM / 256 GB SSD version and yes Windows 8.1 works great on this kind of device. And because of the spec, I can even run a VM and virtualise a copy of Window 7 or XP on it if I need to use any old software.
It's just as intuitive as other touch-screen operating systems. Yes, some gestures might need learning, but that's the same for all touch-operating systems.
There is only ONE Control Panel. The Metro PC Settings is NOT the Control Panel, even though they might share many of the settings. The point is, on a touch-screen device it's easier to use the Metro PC Settings than the Control Panel.
You can start IE from Metro so that it automatically launches the desktop version, if you so wish. And in Windows 8.1, the settings ARE shared between the desktop and Metro IE versions. For example, if I set the zoom level from 100% to 150% in the Metro IE, this setting is replicated in the desktop version too.
I agree that it was a marketing mistake rather than a flaw with Windows 8.
Microsoft called Windows 8 a "touch-first" operating system. But they should have been far more specific than that. What they should have said is something like this -
"Windows 8 is our first touch-optimised operating system designed for tablets and new upcoming hybrid devices. Because it's Windows, you can still run your legacy desktop applications on these new devices for backwards compatibility. Although you can install Windows 8 on a traditional laptop or desktop PC with a mouse and keyboard, we don't recommend it because it's not optimised for that type of computer."
I know it's not catchy marketing, but it removes any ambiguity from the very start. People would still be able to install Windows 8 on their existing desktops if they wished, but they would not have been under any illusion that it was going to be an optimal experience.
"but the os is of no practical use."
I don't actually understand what you mean by that. It does many things better than iOS, and performs better than Android.
The practical use of the OS is that it provides you with the best camera-phone on the market. Sure it might be different compared with iOS or Android, but that doesn't make it a bad OS. All the operating systems have their advantages and disadvantages.