Please stick it right up these yankee theiving bastards
NPG should download and sell disks of the image of the wikimedia foundation for 50p in their gift shop. They could call the disks "First our tea, now our art you theiving yankee bastards"
304 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jun 2007
No, no she won't. Whatever you think of Blears, or the petty bastard who dobbed her in, and whatever you think of the terms of her contract of employment is irrelevant. The fact is she agreed to abide by them when she signed up to work for whatever dept. it was, and the rules are very clear on what civil servants can and cannot say.
This is 100% her own fault.
I think it's a good idea. Google itself admits its real time search is rubbish - usually if I want to find out online why ten ambulances are racing down a road, I have to wait for google to index a newspaper who contacts the emergency services for this to show up normally. If a search engine could index as well, it would be great. the one thing which would be interesting is that most twitter posts are so banal I wonder how it would affect relevance. If I search 'iran' and get updates that way; good. If I search iran and found out some celeb went to an iranian restuarant: bad.
I've got an old PAYG phone and am looking at the old iphones - is it still worth getting one? The 8gb is free (according to 02) and, I'm not sure I'm bothered about voice dialing and all that gubbins. I just want a phone I can check the net on, and possibly getting an app or 2 (logmein etc). Would it be worth getting an older iPhone? Do you think the developers will only develop apps for the new hardware?
>Copyright was never intended to generate income for artists
Yes, yes it was.
>f artists want to keep continue to make money, they should continue to create new work, just like everyone else in society.
An artist is more useful and has a better skill set than a sys admin. Tens of thousands of people can reset passwords; who can sing like Nina Simone? Should Bill Gates not be able to retire then? Should he have to continue to create new work?
Regardless of your vision of utopia, thieves who steal from people should not do it.
Amazing how everyone only ever uses PirateBay for 'Backups'!
And the idea that slumdog is a success cos people on the torrent sites liked it; got any proof for this? I am sure Danny Boyle is delighted by the amount of people stealing his work
I love the guys up there who go 'it's just ideas, *I* don't get paid for them all so why should everyone else' or 'the musicians got stitched up by the record companies so its OK to steal from them again, or 'Well, *I* think copyright law is too long so I should be able to download old records.
You go you freedom fighter you.
"So the idea isn't new, and Google already offers a universal jukebox, albeit mostly unlicensed and low quality, with YouTube. What's the fuss about?"
How do I get a playlist on YouTube? How do I avoid making sure that the link I click is the orginal version of the song and not some emo in his bedroom? How do I click one button to find everything there is on YouTube by that author?
<We are the energy saving trust> sorry about that
What spotify is great at is making listening to music easy. Remember when we were amazed how relevant search results were in Google? Spotify is to youTube what Google was to altavista in terms of ease of use of listening to most music,
Yeah, you can say up there ^^ that napster rocked and it did, but I was on dial up most of the time I was using it so it took ages to get anything. What I want is something quick and easy. If accessibility is ubiquitous, ownership is meaningless. The question is will it's business model make accessibility ubiquitous?
if Konqueor is so well known then, you'll be glad to show me a source where its listed as popular. What % market share has it then? 50%, 20% or a % of 0.24%. Just cos *you're* using it doesn't mean that if you went up to a misguided customer in PC World and asked them if they'd heard of it, they'd say yes.
Have you been forced into enabling comments for your articles Andrew? They're always thought provoking and it is good, in a curate's egg way, to read the comments which follow.
Spotify is the answer - fast, massive library, well organised, no lag. Albeit with a worry of what happens if it's business model goes wrong and the subscripts paid become worthless. I think that the ease of download, the benefits for the thief, and the anonomous nature of the net reduces people's disinclination to steal to a point where it becomes a blurry, ambivilent irrelevance. If Spotify takes off, I think the inclinclination to steal music will recede again as they get what they want, fast access to the music they are interested in.
"We are the energy saving trust"
"But at least with Ubuntu you can actually get to use your computer should you want to."
What a fucking moronic statement that is. For a start, why would you ever switch a computer on and then think "Oh, thank fuck I'm running XP because I don't want to use it". Are are towns and citiies full of silent offices where everyone still writes memos and sends telegraphs, except for those in the dark basements who, gasp, send emails and browse the net? If you look at webstats are the requests 100 % from linux machines?
Why do people come out with dickshit comments like this? Even the most hardcore, bald but polytailed, white linen trousered, holier than thou, bitterly lonely evangalist for an operating system must be able to see that hundreds of millions of people use computers which don't run linux just fine.
I think there is a case for arguing that the sherman was better than the tiger. If you produced one tank a month and it could kill 8 opponents, you'd be screwed if your opponent was producing 10. The winner of a tank duel is not necessarily the better tank. Of course, as Bomber Command and the yanks laid waste to most of Germany, you could argue that that was why the production of the tiger was low; not just because it was over-designed.
It's pretty obvious if you think about it... Why might a mother and a father not be named, even if one kid is dead...?
And Re Jason "owens" sue, again, there are reason that name is in quotes....without wanting to say more you can find out in 2 minutes on google. The BBC news site had a report naming names when they were arrested.
And "I cannot see why the courts wish to continue with the naming ban?" Well, maybe their priority is protection not tabloid newspaper sales.
There was going to be a sequel and it started like this: They leave the engine on, the engine uses petrol, the petrol runs out, the back of the van is lightenened enough to send one man down and get the gold. The reason it was never made was that the film didn't do well enough in America.
That's what it said on the DVD of the Italian Job I had.
Lets say you know jack shit about computers and so you go to the shop to buy one cos your kids say they're handy.
So you go to the shop and buy a cheap machine. The salesman says "well you can replace the OS for $20." How many people are going to do that? And how many more are going to think "$20 ? I depend on it, and it only costs $20? How rubbish is it going to be for that money?"
How many other people are going to go to the shop to upgrade their OS. One on sale you've heard of - vista lets face it -for X, the other for $20. now, X is a lot more but you figure "$20?" Well, if you get what you pay for?" You might figure "60 days of support? So they think I need it do they? Do I want to pay so little and then spend days on hold talking about computers? Don't think so"
How can someone sit there and lie to their kids, and the world like that, all along going "Oh, woe is me, I'm innocent", and then have the effrontery to try and get a reduced sentence for proving that he was lying all along!!!
I hope they run windows ME on the computers available to the prisoners.
I love it that if we all sat down and said "If company X did this it would be good" but when Microsoft do it, all of a sudden everyone is desperate to find holes in the semantics of it. "break teh internet lolz" "But, but, they're micro$haft...they...they..splutter. etc..can you see what I did by subsituting the "S" for a dollar sign" ad fucking nauseaum
The Mac boys are a bit quiet here as well. Come on, hasn't Apple got an even shinier policy here which you could crow about or is it that their legal threats are so big they wouldn't fit in an internal mail envelope?
As I understand it, the Qwerty keyboard was designed so that the letters didn't stick in the typewriter age. As we don't have this requirement anymore, surely a new layout could be devised to increase wpm. Is it just that manufacturers think we'd be scared of the new that keeps us with QWERTY
Nonsense, aside from the "my os >> your os", or dewey eyed nostalgia at bits of old kit, you'd be hard pressed to claim that most comments are here are about technology itself. I just find it kind of indicative of how spoilt we are that when we read a story about a guy digging other guys out of mud in the trenches the first comment is about DRM. I'm not saying it's not important, blah, I just think it's faintly ridiculous.
Bjorn claimed Germany was "Dragged" into WW1 and said "Claiming they started it is a gross misrepresentation of facts." Which it isn't; it's a valid viewpoint (albeit there are others that it was US, or train times)
It's not my fault you don't have a sense of humour. Nevertheless, if my joke about the germans upset you, apologies.
Well, it's good to know that 80 odd years of debate as to the causes of WW1 has been definitively answered by an IT worker with too much time on his hands. Quite a good Monday, all in all. Maybe you should write into History Today or something. It's just people have written millions of words on the subject and maybe you should let them know they can stop now you have the answer.
They started the second one, too. Or was the fact that they supported a one bollocked obviously mad little fella with a stupid moustache not their fault either?
A sobering account of death and destruction- and the first comment is about bloody DRM. Bigger picture people! I bet you're all a bunch of pony tailled, balding, pot bellied cunts. God knows what would happen if the hun got uppity again (and, in my opinion he's been too quiet of late). I wouldn't want to be in a trench with you lot "'S not fair,, I've built my own rifle, sarge, and it won't fire the bullets you gave me"
On the one hand, our over-keen american so called "cousins" (I've been on a diversity course)
Papa two roach, we've got a hot one!
Yee hah, gonna shoot me some limeys.
My grandad...granny getting pounded by some johnnny come lately GI type for a silk stocking...dried up eggs... Dresden.. Tommy has his back to the wall. England stands alone. Except for the welsh (who put burning arrows pointing to liverpool on their hills. Can't fucking blame them. I've been there)
Who is the hero here?
Once again; johnny foreigner; kiss my arse.