* Posts by Charles Calthrop

304 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jun 2007


HP offers devs £130 32GB TouchPad tablets

Charles Calthrop

the link in the article goes to a page saying they are oversubscribed.

AFAIK its back to ebay / entertainment exchange

Stallman: Did I say Jobs was evil? I meant really evil

Charles Calthrop

quotes from his rider

Above 72 fahrenheit (22 centigrade) I find sleeping quite difficult.

(If the air is dry, I can stand 23 degrees.)

DON'T buy a parrot figuring that it will be a fun surprise for me.

Please do not ask me any questions about

what I will do breakfast. Please just do not bring it up.

If you get a bottle of wine, I will taste it, and if I like the taste,

I will drink a little, perhaps a glass.

I tend to like music that has a feeling of dance in it, but I

sometimes like other kinds too. However, I usually dislike the

various genres that are popular in the US, such as rock, country, rap,

reggae, techno, and composed American "folk". Please tell me what

unusual music and dance forms are present; I can tell you if I am

interested. If there is a chance to see folk dancing, I would

probably enjoy that.

If there is something else interesting and unique, please tell me

about it. Maybe I will be interested.

and my personal favourite

Please do not ever mail me a file larger than 100k without asking me

first. I almost certainly do not want to receive it in that form.

Opera brings fondleslab-style reading to bog-standard web

Charles Calthrop
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ah cheers, obviously I am not as good as skimmed reading as I think I am !

Charles Calthrop

where are the extensions, 'paged media' returns nothing on an opera extensions search

RIM BlackBerry Torch 9810

Charles Calthrop

awesome timing!

Core facts: Windows 8 truthiness dissected, Mango sliced

Charles Calthrop

really good content, as ever, but it sounds like he is stoned, face down in the bottom of a distant soundproofed well, and she is standing just behind me working out whether the megaphone can broadcast even louder.

Put down the Java manual

Charles Calthrop
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i love your articles

'Boss from hell' knuckle-rapped for 'firing contests'

Charles Calthrop

You did the right thing, hope you're doing ok now mate.

Nokia axes another 3,500 jobs

Charles Calthrop
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"We are seeing solid progress against our strategy, and with these planned changes we will emerge as a more dynamic, nimble and efficient challenger,"

I'm delighted for you mate.

Microsoft delivers fatal blow to yet another botnet

Charles Calthrop

I've thought about it...

it's bobbins

2009 game footage appears in ITV show as 1988 IRA vid

Charles Calthrop

they're making a documentary of how this guy escaped from his prison cell, killed everyone in the 10 floor prison and ended up blasting adolf hitler next week

Android outsells Apple 2:1

Charles Calthrop

'other' % is down most

surely win 7 and (sob) Nokia are the losers here? Win 7 is not even managing to hold its miniscule share - as a % hasn't 'other' plummeted much more than everyone else.

God I used to love my old nokias. I don't see how one handset manufacturer can turn round a slide like this when they are already so so far behind

Ministers kill off failed £12.7bn NHS IT revamp

Charles Calthrop

fuck you capita

EMC exec flames El Reg

Charles Calthrop

where's the gravestone icon?

el reg pwnd

How to go from the IT dept to being a rogue trader

Charles Calthrop
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Clicks 'Get more from this author'

MySQL founder savages Oracle’s move to 'open core'

Charles Calthrop
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who'd have thought that selling your software to megacorp 3 for $$$ would mean they did what they wanted with it?

Windows 8: First contact with Microsoft Touch

Charles Calthrop
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looks awesome to me,

Hacker defaces Irish Catholic paper: 'Gotta love false hope'

Charles Calthrop

good old drupal

that is a garland drupal page - custom theme flaw or old vuln?

Fujitsu Stylistic Q550 Windows 7 tablet

Charles Calthrop

£800 or almost ten hp touchpads!!!

Is using your own kit at work a good thing?

Charles Calthrop


about 50% of our .net devs run bootcamp on macs. I do the same. OSx for home, win 7 for work.

Charles Calthrop
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i do this now

thin client running xp which is dog slow and with the network locked down so I cant access fb, or my own laptop, running better versions of software I need (visual studio on my mac vs notepad on the thin client) + my own wireless so I can fb as much as i like. I really resent not being able to look at facebook at work. Work and home boundaries blur so much - if I work at home in the evenings, why can't I look at fb at work. Anyway, our network guy keeps going ballistic at me but if I use the thin client I simply can't do my job.

Only things I can'd do are print (can't remember last time I need to print something) or access shared drives (ditto)

every time i use my laptop for a demo at work, I say a prayer of thanks for private browsing though.

Facebook deletes hacked Pages, destroying years of work

Charles Calthrop

ceci est le title

Surely it is more of a risk giving access back to people who have left. I fire someone who set up a Page, remove their privellages, they are resentful, get reinstated by facebook, they post harmfull stuff, and remove my admin rights, i complain to fb, repeat...isnt that the alternative, and isnt it more likely?

HP's UK PC boss: We're going nowhere

Charles Calthrop

anyone have a touchpad they want to sell

couldn't order one anywhere

id Software Wolfenstein 3D

Charles Calthrop

dog food and secret passages

I think the character in this was linked to the character in doom, didn't they have the same name or anything?

Anyone else remember eating dog food if your health was <8% and running along the walls with spacebar held down to open the secret passages? THere were 10 levels, 1-9 where 9 was when you took down old adolf, 10 was a bonus level which you got to from level 1, just after you got the schmeisser there was a room on the right with a secret room and in the secret room was a door to level 10 iirc. God I loved that game

Fantasy Premier League falls over

Charles Calthrop

I set up an el reg league

Code to join this league: 1707729-392894

Birmingham council backtracks on moving IT jobs to India

Charles Calthrop
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Good for you fellow geeks!

Police arrest alleged LulzSec hacker 'topiary' in Scotland

Charles Calthrop

his defence

His defence will be "I have aspergers"

Nokia posts massive loss, blames 'ambiguity'

Charles Calthrop

second toughest in the infrants

I've seen a fair few adverts on bus stops etc for nokia phones recently, almost all of them seem to be going on about the camera, saying that it is the best camera you can get in a phone. Now, maybe it is or maybe it isn't but it seems to me that they are being forced to boast about marginals. Really, to what % of the population is the quality of a camera the deciding factor in what camera they buy? " Never mind the app store, never mind the screen or the call quality or the baterry life or the compatability with other things, look at the camera."

'Lion' Apple Mac OS X 10.7: Sneak Preview

Charles Calthrop


OSX, for developing apps for iOS on...

Orange spreads Glasto goofery to t-shirts

Charles Calthrop
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quite clever though no?

Acer to dump 3 million laptops onto European market

Charles Calthrop

can the reg do an article on good acer laptops to buy

any chance of a recommendation piece?

HTC Flyer 7in Android tablet

Charles Calthrop

"salford, mostly cloudy"

When did you write that review? Its been pissing it down here since early May?

Nokia caters for kings with golden smartphone

Charles Calthrop


what is the intended lifespan of this phone? I mean, it might be worth a lot but the rate functionality is evolving, it'll be obsolete in six months. I can just see you trying to brag about this down the corgi and swan and going "look it's made of gold" and getting really annyoed when some pleb goes "yeah, but has it got facebook integration" (or whatever) Surely to spend an obscene amount on a phone you want it to be ostentatious and cutting edge but it just wont be cutting edge soon and then you'll end up hating yourself for how empty you feel when you think about how your phone has betrayed you.

I suppose the rich won't care about that, they'll just get a new one

The Professionals set to abseil into cinema

Charles Calthrop

Re Jim59

Bodie fails in an abseil assault at the start of wild justice.

You don't know your professionals.

Texas bank robber asked for ID

Charles Calthrop
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good that he's in prison

WHat a disaster there must be behind this for someone to rob 800 and lose 8 years of their life. Regardless of whether the sentence is harsh or not it just made me really sad to think someone has such a shitty life that they put themselves in this situation.

Hardware keyloggers found in Manchester library PCs

Charles Calthrop

not everyone works in IT Security

Re who would use a public pc etc, I bet if you took a sample of library users >50% would trust the PCs in their library to be secure. So that is a fairly large user base.

then you'll have school children / students who might think that logging onto facebook is not the same as using a pc for something private, regadless of the fact they use the same password for everything

Then you have people who have no internet at home who want to check their email.

so my answer is, unfortunately, quite a lot.

I don't think it unreasonable to differentiate between doing online banking in a dodgy cyber cafe / unsecured wireless and doing it somewhere where you are constantly being educated and encouraged to get online by the government.

What would YOU do if you had no PC at home, would you just dissapear offline and never check your email again?

It's official: Nokia bets on Microsoft for smartphones

Charles Calthrop

for some reason this makes me very sad

mega corp 4 screwed by mega corp 2, dunno why that is upsetting but it is, oh Nokia!

Assange traveled in drag to evade gov spooks

Charles Calthrop
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an attention seeker in disguise

"Please don't look at me oh no, all this attention its awful I hate it, still it'll look cool when they make a film about me"

Gates, Woz, and the last 2,000 years of computing

Charles Calthrop
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you've probably had loads of comments like this already...but that's an awesome, awesom artcile

Fantastic reading, I had head about Lyons but not the scope of the thing. I wish Britain had something like this, but if we had $19m I spose we ought to spend it on research given that looking back at past glories has probably stunted our innovation a bit too much

Anyway, thanks for an absolutely lovely article. Brilliant

First DOS-based malware celebrates silver jubilee

Charles Calthrop

still got a t-shirt from ntk with 'i love you.vbs' on the front

Of all the viruses, the love bug was the best just becuase it propegated itself by purporting to send you a love letter from your boss. Who is not going to open that file with a mixture of confusion and disgust?

HTC 7 Trophy smartphone

Charles Calthrop
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I am growing to love that postbox

I wonder what your neighbours think

"Ooh look Doris, there's that man again coming out to take a photo of that postbox with his phone"

"That's nice dear"

Man charged in bizarre EXPLODING VIBRATOR plot

Charles Calthrop
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dildon't believe hair like that still exists

blah blah blah it angle. Who cares when you can pull a gem of a story out of the bag like this. awesome hair awesome story

Assange 'threatened to sue' Grauniad over leak of WikiLeak

Charles Calthrop

oh the ironing

whether or not releasing the cables is a blow for against our freedom, the man himself seems an absolute gothical nutter.

How I watched a holographic storage company implode

Charles Calthrop
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good article and good luck

Good luck to all the employees, hope it works out for you I really do.

Stephen Fry security whoopsie leads to prank fart book order

Charles Calthrop

why has he got his own wikipedia page open on teh screenshot?

..and what does that bad=error mean in the URL of the catalogue?

Microsoft opens playpen for 'unstable' web standards

Charles Calthrop
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automatic transparent updates

er, no thanks otherwise our enterprise critical software will break.

2010: The year open source went invisible

Charles Calthrop

150million copies of windows 7 sold

I am not disputing that os has boomed this year, but so too have sales of windows 7. it seems to me computer usage as a whole is booming rather than one particular segment. Of course win 7 is still only on the desktop, which I know is not as trendy as slates / phones but which still is relied upon for m (b)illions of man hours a day

Bolivians still grimly browsing on Sony Ericsson phones

Charles Calthrop
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Poor Nokia

this must hurt:


Scottish botnet master jailed for 18 months

Charles Calthrop

Have a nice weekend dickface

This weekend I'm going to take my kids for a walk on the moors, have some friends round for drinks, browse the net and bang my delicious wife. Enjoy prison fuckface. Hopefully you'll deter some other humanity sapping bastard who completely screws over what the www is supposed to be about.

First day WinPho 7 sales top 40k, claims market watcher

Charles Calthrop
Dead Vulture

Can't compare to iphone

When the iPhone came out there was nothing like it before, so of course it sold better. The market is well established so it will be much harder for a new smartphone. Comparing this against the droid and nexus 1 the figures are broadly in line.

Anyway, 1st day figures are largely irrelevant, it is where the market is in a year from now that counts, not a day.

PS to the first commentator, IE 9 is actually pretty good IMO.
