I wish you had text of your videos.
Posts by Charles Calthrop
304 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jun 2007
El Reg drills into Office 365: Email migration
The bunker at the end of the world - in Essex
Rogue Nokia splinter cell drops its Jolla phone A-BOMB
Things that cost the same as coffee with Tim Cook - and are way more fun
New Lumia 925: This, loyalists, is the BIG ONE you've waited for
Australian Federal Police claim arrest of 'LulzSec leader'
I looked up Ponit Clare
The suburb contains Point Clare railway station, which is on the Main North railway line,an Aldi supermarket, a pharmacy, a doctor's practice, Chinese and Thai takeaway, veterinarian. In addition, there is a Scouts' and Guides' Hall at Fagans Park.
Wow, in between the excitement of all that and the thrill of avoiding the flesh eating spiders, I am surprised he ever found the time to sit down at a computer at all.
Bitcoin briefly soars to record $147 high, driven by Cyprus bank flap
Google forks WebKit, promises faster, leaner Chrome engine
Reg readers brew up the ultimate cuppa
Is social networking good for anything more than cat pics?

this post paid for by linkedin
Maybe I am lucky in that there are very few people who can use the software which is used in my industry. This means it is a small industry but also means a small pool of candidates: I got a full time job plus 2 side gigs from linkedin
I find it helps if you put specialised skills rather than the generic 'web dev' type stuff.
Windows Phone 8 hasn't slowed Microsoft's mobile freefall
So: 6,500 Win 8 laptops later, how are BT's field engineers coping?
Ballmer now flings out work rivals, rather than chairs, claims ex-Microsoftie
Empire says ‘primitive’ Earth not ready for Death Star
Titsup Windows Phone 8 orders user to cram 'boot disc' in mobe
Devs: 'Pirates are flogging OUR stuff on BlackBerry's App World'

Re: 'easily achieved with reversible Java code'
“A very extraordinary thing has struck me.”
“Something funny, as usual,” said Cummings.
“Yes,” I replied; “I think even you will say so this time. It’s concerning you both; for doesn’t it seem odd that Gowing’s always coming and Cummings’ always going?” I fairly doubled up in my chair, till it cracked beneath me. I think this was one of the best jokes I have ever made.
I love Diary of a Nobody, any excuse to wheel out the old classics
Buying a petabyte of storage for YOURSELF? First, you'll need a fridge
what if those google glasses take off and everyone walks around with tiny cameras in their glasess? It would awesome to store all that video. That would take up a fair bit over the years wouldn't it? I realise google would want the data itself and not let us download our own copies, it was just an example
I suppose what I am trying to say, badly, is over the past 30 years we have started using technology in ways we could barely concieve off back then, what is to suggest that that is going to change?
Bite us, Apple: Samsung hauled in $8.3bn in Q4
Nokia chief Elop: 'Android? Hey, anything's possible!'
Ubuntu for smartphones aims to replace today's mobes, laptops
Search engines we have known ... before Google crushed them
Iran's Photoshop FAIL: 'New drone' actually Japanese university bird
Nokia Lumia 820 WinPho 8 review
McAfee takes time off blogging to concentrate on being chased by police
Windows boss Steve Sinofsky exits Microsoft
Jokes of no more than 2 lines
Slideshow: A History of First-person Shooters in 20 Games
Windows 8 early-bird users still love Windows 7 more - poll

Re: 35% of people who voted for Win 8 did so because Explorer 10 was bundled with it.
1) What is explorer 10?
2) What does the 35% relate to?
3) You seem to think people who are able to use a beta OS, and comment it on some geeky site have never heard of firefox, chrome et al
4) Are you really incapable of googleing to find out what happened to the browser choice screen? Again, your asumption seems to be that people are quite capable of installing a complete OS but are only able to remember to not choose IE if they are prompted not to do so.
Opportunity finds new patch of 'berries' on Mars
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 launch spreads desktop app love
Want a Windows 8 Start Button? Open source to the rescue!
Apple Mountain Lion file points to Mac Pro update
Wikipedia collapses threatening the very fabric of civilisation

can we not have screenshots of random people's twitter status embedded in your stories. I have seen this elsewhere but thought I'd be safe on here. It might help internally to promote your strategy to humanise the channel flow and synergise your content sreams or some other bollocks but I DO NOT CARE WHAT RANDOM PEOPLE ON TWITTER THINK AND IF I DID I"D BE ON TWITTER NOT ON EL REG
Rip el reg gravestone icon
Nokia flogged 4m Lumias, still bled €826m this quarter
Review: Samsung Chromebox
when my raspberry pi comes
I'll have a better computer, in an altoids tin than this for 65 odd quid.
Better in that I own it, and can do what I like with it
Better in that I can work offline
Better in that raspberry pi dot com is not sluriping up everything I do and subjecting my life to an algorithm that then tries to sell me pole dancing lessons (as my gmail just did)
Microsoft sets the price for a Windows 8 upgrade at $40
Finnish PM rules out Nokia rescue package
Stephen Fry's Pushnote goes titsup
Re: He's not "IT-literate"
where does IT literacy end if you need to know how to program? If you need to be able to program in every language used on the web, no one in the world is IT literate
Am I IT literate as I build ontologies and search algorithms for websites? Or am I not because I know jack about css or how https works compared to http?
My dad was upset he could not run maple on the ipad and loves to tell me about the supercomputers he used in his nuclear pyhsics labs in the 70s, but he can't configure an email account My mum has no idea what html is, but emails me about it security from guardian technology section. Surely she is more it literate than him?
Ex-Nokia Siemens engineer admits eBaying nicked routers
Re: Businesses - How about paying...
"and aare paid barely enough to support a family" so we are agreed they are paid enough then?
"I also know plenty of techies who are working second jobs to make ends meet," my point exactly.
"The judge obviously didn't see the whole thing as crime of the century either," I didn't say it was either. But he stole because he obviously figured it the easiest option given the consequences, not because megacorp x are heartless bastards who force workers to work at starvation wages.