* Posts by Menelaus-uk

15 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Sep 2012

Major problems beset UK ISP filth filters: But it's OK, nobody uses them


Block all the internet!

For BT to block the whole internet, they would only need to add "Cat Videos" to the category list.

Cloud computing is FAIL and here’s why


No digital edition.....

of the Daily Mail, well every cloud (failure) has a silver lining.

Teen jailed for ARMED ROBBERY says he and pals had been inspired by Grand Theft Auto


Re: Anti-game crusaders in 5, 4, 3......

If only he'd been playing Kerbal Space Program, Australia could be halfway to Mars now.

Why two-player games > online gaming: See your pal's shock as you bag a last-second victory


Sliding tackle on a stationary keeper

I remember playing FIFA (can't remember which year) with friends. We would change the rules so there were no cards and a blind referee. It just became a war of attrition on whose team could survive the longest without loads of injuries.

Actually, there is an Arapaho word for 'pliers'


Re: Journalistic Integrity

They are handy for releasing the SIM card trays on modern fangled smart phones.

Maybe an article on other uses for paper clips?

BBC's Clangers returns in £5m 'New Age' remake


Re: I take it no one has seen the Bob the Bastard Builder lately?

I do love the mixed messages it sends out though.

The fact they discover this pristine valley then proceeded to build all over it. Apparently it's fine to destroy the countryside as long as you grow organic pineapples.

HMRC nabs 5 after £500k 'cyber attack' on tax systems


Re: <Insert Here>

<Insert vaguely veiled insult while linking to some poorly researched Guardian opinion piece>

Young blokes blinded by video-game addiction: THE FACTS


Re: @Menelaus-uk (was: Actually ...)

Well thank you for your input, but my point was you can't make such generalizations on one section of society. I was providing a real world case where games have gone on to produce people who honed their skills through playing games.

Why were the Academy drivers "fuckwits" was it their lack of skill, that they took more calculated risks or were they just plain reckless in your view? Just stating something without facts does not make it true.

Some more reading if you so choose.



Re: Actually ...

Well that's quite a generalization.

You have obviously never heard of Gran Turismos GT Academy (http://eu.gran-turismo.com/gb/academy/) where they use the game to help select racing driver to compete professionally. It has now been running a number of years and proved highly successful.

Jokes of no more than 2 lines


What's the most dangerous thing in a forest?

A squirrel with a flick knife.

Another negative climate feedback: Warmer plants cool the planet


Climate Modelling

I think we could possibly say (to paraphrase Douglas Adams).....

The climate is complicated. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly complicated it is. I mean, you may think it's difficult to do calculus, but that's just peanuts to the climate.

Cisco sued by East Carolina University


At least it's not in the form of "Today's X for tomorrows Y".

Curiosity clears things up


Re: An Interplanetary First!

With that colour tone, are you sure it's not Instagram?

Organic food offers basically no health benefit, boffins find



The problem with "organic" is the word conjures up all sorts of connotations as to the provenance of the food. The public perception (as far as I am aware) is that organic means that it was produced on a little farm with just a few cows all individually named, given back rubs twice a day and only eat the finest grass.

In real life they are still the same farmers that had ordinary farms five years ago, they still run large dairy farms and got into organic due to the larger returns (which have now been canceled out as so many converted).

Oh and don't get me started on "holistic".



A litre of organic milk keeps a week longer than it's non organic variant? Really I doubt this very much.

Having grown up on a farm drinking raw milk (that's non pasteurised, non homogenised) you wouldn't want to drink it the next morning, as it turns really quick. Even now, I never use the best before date on a bottle of milk, my good old nose tells me if it's good or not.