Re: killakrusty Jon Smith IQ19 Don't bother.
""Nice straw man argument Matt...." So nice I see you just can't counter it? At what point do we decide saving a life is "too expensive", either medically or security-wise? Oh, sorry, you probably didn't want me to raise that point seeing as it tramples all over the moronic arguments of you sheeple."
- Why would I bother trying to counter an invalid argument, other than pointing out that it is invalid. Not sure why you feel the need for name calling : (
""....medical research and mass snooping by the government are not the same thing...." Even a broken clock is right at least twice a day, now all you have to do is be right about one more thing and you'll prove it. Sorry, but, going on your post, I rate your chances as close to zero."
- I honestly have no idea what you are trying to communicate with your response?!?
"".....Could you please cite your sources that show how many lives have been saved by said surveillance intelligence?...." How's this for a simple comparison - the number of people killed by terrorists in the US and UK yesterday is zero, compared to the five people killed by Islamist terrorists (that would dearly love to kill Yanks and Brits) in Iraq alone. BTW, three of those five were videoed being beheaded by their AQ murderers. Now, YOU stop bleating for a minute and try and answer one simple question - if the security services aren't doing anything useful, why is AQ unable to mount attacks other than by lone-wolf nutjobs in the US or UK? Do you think they've changed their minds?"
- So basically, you believe that without mass state sponsored surveillance on it's citizens, the country would basically be overrun by sadistic religious nut-jobs. Yet your only evidence is to cite the number of "terrorist" killings in Iraq, a country still in the midst of a tribal/religious war? Please tell me more!!
"Don't worry, the rest of us will give you a nice long pause to think about it seeing as thinking for yourself is obviously such a taxing and unfamilar task to you."
- Actually the math is not that hard. If someone could prove to me with credible verifiable data that mass surveillance is value for money, and really saves a ton of lives, then I'd be all for it. Feel free to post those stats and make me a changed man.