* Posts by tim 68

5 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Aug 2012

Australian online shoppers and Netflix to be fully taxed in 2017

tim 68

When this comes in...

I will import thousands of $2 packages from China over the course of a year, and I will let those packages sit around at my local post office for as long as possible before picking them up and paying the GST.

In terms of parcel holding real estate, my local post office will likely become mine alone.

If a few thousand of us do it, the postal and customs systems will self-destruct under the load.

Netflix fail proves copper NBN leaves Australia utterly 4Ked

tim 68


You've completely ignored where the majority of Australia's population actually lives.

More than 80% of the population lives in Perth and that very narrow coastal J-curve stretching from Brisbane to Melbourne.

The relatively small minority living within Australia's vast interior aren't really relevant to that argument.

What's Meg Whitman fussing over: The fate of HP ... or the font on a DISRUPTIVE new logo?

tim 68

Whitman's explanation is rubbish.

The joined T's are to make the copy in the logo distinctive enough to actually be a trademark. That's why companies really do it; they come up with the joining-hands, kumbaya bullshit story later on.

Same as the joined m's in the Commonwealth Bank of Australia logo, for instance.

Oracle management tools top critical list in quarterly patch party

tim 68


You've been living under a rock since 2004, I see.

A lot has changed at Microsoft in the last decade or so where you weren't paying attention. Adobe did indeed learn secure development from Microsoft, and that's why Reader X (as an example) has been pretty much vulnerability free, unlike its bug riddled predecessors.

Customs contradicts vendors over IT pricing

tim 68

No duty on IT? Really?

So why have Customs nailed me for duty and GST time and time again on consignments marked as "computer equipment" on the Customs declaration?

Thieving bastards.