Stalled fruit?
Gee, the world's greatest inventors (of cases) can't hack it with all their engineering "talent" ? DIDDUMS
31 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2012
Not forgetting chatty Salamanders. Many religions have prospered by a little suave rewriting of the rules. Constantine, King Jim and Joe Smith spring to mind, the gospel according to pasta is in the offing. Furthermore, many accepted religions allow the cloth of conviction to be displayed When and Where the devoted followers so choose. To be true to the cause of passage along the enlightened path of "al dente" the humble but blessed colander is fitting garb.
Simple solution, get you next contract them move offshore - LEGALLY - for at least 6 months per year..
We are currently hiring in the Enterprise Solutions space, after 6 months orientation/probation in Europe, the successful candidate can move to the country of their choice.
Still showing their greed and "we once were kings" feet of clay.
Big hint you do NOT have the hearts and minds of a growing market share anymore.. And as long as you treat the customer like YOUR software serfs you will continue to slide towards oblivion
big tip it is customers you want, NOT devices so have just one price platform irrespective of what the client is using it on without any SmartArse restrictions like "screen size under.nxn" - or continue with proving your dinosaur status...
It makes it simple for ignoramuses to understand, Chinese food is basically 3-4 dishes and comes in funny paper boxes, Asian people all look the same and Chinese language is all one dialect but pronounced differently depending on whether you come from north south east or west like 'merica , SunTzu is all you need to know about Chinese stratagems,
there all done
I have often said to anyone who will listen OR NOT, that China is NOT a very smart "country" and I hold that opinion because, unlike many other PC commentators, I have actually been there in person on many occasions purchasing Apple Juice Concentrate amongst other stuff like negotiating to install ultra secure wireless LAN's.
Personally, I find their businessmen to be collectively quite stupid.
Simply cheap and aggressive but disorganised and dumb overall.. Hence my "Great Wall of China" the dumbest ever civil engineering project and "Sun Tzu vs. Machiavelli" = No Contest syndromes ... anyhow, I enjoyed this article on Rare Earths, it made me chuckle nah - a big , hearty belly laugh actually..
Tim the 100% NON PC guy..
The real question that Velvin made a conscious decision to overlook is this;
"Does the iPhone constitute innovation under the Patent Rules?
The answer to that is an equivocal - NO!
In short, how can you "copy" something that was already copied or is a feature that anyone with a modicum of intelligence would have come up with?