* Posts by Elmo Fudd

7 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2012

All-American Apple challenges US gov call for iOS 'backdoor'

Elmo Fudd

Re: Charge Cook?

I understand that Congress passed legislation specifically protecting the gun manufacturers from liability and litigation. If Apple looses this case, and it sounds like Cook is determined to fight this as far as possible, then they make sure that the next version of IOS, can not be hacked using whatever tools they are forced to create. (Assuming that they are even able to hack this phone)

Village-swallowing MUDCANO was no accident, say boffins

Elmo Fudd

Fracking - Is it Safe?

What is "Safe" - Is your car safe? Then howcum there are so many accidents. But you still use cars to travel because you ( think that you) understand the risks involved.

Same for aircraft, ships and if you check historical data, Horse drawn carts ran down a lot of pedestrians.

When someone demands that fracking, oil pipelines, oil drilling, nuclear power be banned until they are totally safe, with no possibility of accidents or oil spills or meltdowns, I say sure, as soon as you make a "totally safe" bathtub.

No matter what we do, there will always be something totally unexpected event that nobody expected, that causes a major or minor disaster. Get used to it - Shit happens!

Apple blocks Java on the Mac over security concerns

Elmo Fudd

50% Java - This SUCKS!

I keep a laptop on he kitchen table so I can check out the news over breakfast - My Firefox browser is set to open with 6 tabs as a home page- My local (Calgary) newspapers home page, Google news, my online brokerage home page, The Register, Gmail and my Digital newpaper subscription (Postmedia).

This morning I shut off Java script to see what would happen.

Calgary Herald website - Can't see any problems, so far so good.

Google news- Works but the formatting is off- text overlaps images slightly.

RBC Direct- Some graphics appear but site is totally nonfunctional- cannot log in.

El Reg - Works fine- no problems.

Gmail- Blank screen - wants java turned back on - offers HTML only version.

Postmedia- Top header appears- otherwise screen is blank - No login available.

50% of my home pages are totally gone, one is affected and two work fine.

I suspect that many of you would have the same problems - lets hear from you.

Java is back on! I can't run without it.

Student claims code flaw spotting got him expelled from college

Elmo Fudd

Apparently he has been offered a job by the software company involved - See newspaper article here:


Hold it! Don't back up to a cloud until you've eyed up these figures

Elmo Fudd

Contractors working with oilfields seismic data easily generate these volumes of data.

Register SPB hacks mull chopping off feet

Elmo Fudd

Personally it's tire sizes that drive me bonkers, just bought 4 snow tires (Canada),

225-70-15' s -- 225 mm wide, 70% ratio for 15 INCH rims

Is it just me that finds this absurd?

Apple demands a quickie, aims its torpedo at 8 Samsung mobes

Elmo Fudd

No More Apple!

I used to be a big Apple fan - 15 years ago when all whole Graphic arts world ran on Macs, but the "Steve Jobs Cult" after his return and their "You're not allowed to Compete with Apple" attitude & tactics are really starting to burn my ass.

Maybe we need an Apple Boycott? Let them know what we think of the Company. - There is nothing wrong with their products (OK- we can nitpick this point) but the company's attitude and business practices are revolting.

Anyways - New tablet will be android.