* Posts by philip jeffery

14 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jun 2007

MPs lambast BBFC over Batman

philip jeffery
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Rating system is flawed

The 12A rating system is flawed and inconsistent. If they continue to use the 12A rating system then they might as well change 15 & 18 to 15A and 18A.

Its the parents decision if their child can watch a 12A film, but the BBFC's decision if someone can watch a 15 or 18 film.

philip jeffery
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Personally I think he's right

I saw the film and I think it should have been a 15 the BBFC's defence has been pretty rubbish.

"Young people who wanted to see the film couldn't have seen the film" - They should base the rating on the content of the film not the audience.

"The Joker was an unbelieveable character" - I disagree, wearing makeup just made him look scarier.

The 12A certificate is stupid, this can allow you to take your 7yo child to the cinema to watch that film, it would be the parents fault. But this is only related to 12A if it was a 15 or 18 film then the parent has no say in the matter.

In a time where knife crime is the number 1 priority for Police should we really show our 12yo children a film the glamourises knives. They do see enough of this in the news and on the internet do they really need to see it in the summers blockbuster movie.

It is the BBFC's job to rate the film, if you start blaming the parents you might as well scrap the rating system all together.

US customs: Yes, we can seize your laptop, iPod

philip jeffery

Encrypted Hard Drives

What happens if your laptop is encrypted? or even if there is a password to login?

Do I legally have to give them the passwords? or can I sit back and wait whilst they try and crack the encryption?

Reg readers split on Vista readiness

philip jeffery


Everyone seems to be mentioning Office and Vista, and how they compare against other products in the business environment. But no one has mentioned Sharepoint, I had a meeting with Microsoft earlier this week where they demonstrated Sharepoint and I have to say I was very impressed, it is an excellent tool for collaborating with colleagues.

The one issue with Sharepoint could be that it is too difficult to use, for some people, online training can make this less of a problem but it just isn't possible to train everyone

Grand Theft Auto 4 queue man stabbed in head

philip jeffery

Re: Blame the store or Rockstar

Even if they had opened earlier people would still need to queue for the game. Also how exactly could you blame Rockstar, they had to release the game on a day, even if they had released it earlier these people would still have to queue.

How can the anti-GTA campaigners claim its because of GTA when they were in the queue to buy GTA??

BAE aims to keep all-u-can-eat ticket at MoD pie-shop

philip jeffery
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Thats a great idea, why didn't anyone think of that before, the MOD could just buy submarines, aircraft carriers, tanks, fighter planes straight off the shelf.

The reason why programmes take so long is because the the MOD requirements are constantly changing, something that BAE has had to pay for a number of times.

If there was an off the shelf product that meets the MOD's requirements then its their decision to buy it, but more than likely there would be no off the shelf products that meet their requirements.

BAE are a supplier, and the MOD are the customer, its the MOD's decision what they buy. Its not like you can blame Tesco's if you buy 12 donuts when you only needed 6.

Nokia confirms 'iPhone killer' handset in pipeline

philip jeffery


Nokia should have produced this phone a long time ago, personally I don't like the Iphone as it is lacking some features that I like on a phone. But you cannot deny that the Iphone is an evolutional leap from previous phones and congrats to Apple for taking the gamble.

I firmly believe that the development of mobile phones has been slowed down intentionally by the mobile phone manufacturers. To keep customers purchasing new phones each year they had to ensure that the next new phone was better than their previous one, they could create a phone with all the new features available at that time but then they'd need to add some new cutting edge technology the following year or they could take their time, add a camera one year, MP3 player the next year, add video the year after that.

Sony Ericsson Walkman W890i mobile phone

philip jeffery

re: crappy camera

Does anyone really use their phone cameras?

I used to when they first became available, and I have used them occasionally in the past but the images aren't particularly great.

Court lifts lid on Saudi terror threat claim

philip jeffery


Ian, your forgetting something important, since 2001 any bribery in relation to an arms deal has been illegal under UK law.

The SFO were only notified of this bribery in February 2001.

Therefore if there was any bribery going on then it would have been going on before it became illegal.

Does this mean that I because I smoked in a pub before the smoking ban I should be charged for it now??

Of course it doesn't, so why should BAE Systems be held convicted of something that at the time wasn't illegal?

Dell parks itself in PC superstores across Europe

philip jeffery
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I can't see a problem myself

I can't see this being a problem myself.

Dell want to sell their PC's in the high street as there is no growth in the online market, if you wanted to do this in the UK who would you make a deal with? Which company in the UK is the biggest high street PC company?

Dells support may have been suitable for them, but don't you find it frustrating if you want it fixed but you have to wait 2 weeks to ship it back to them then get it sent back to you? With a PC World deal you can drop your PC off with them, if its a simple fix you may be able to get it resolved whilst you wait, or pick it up the next day.

Dell aren't trying to get new customers into PC world, what they are trying to do is get the existing customers that go into PC world to buy Dells, by offering them.

Don't get me wrong guys I don't like shopping at PC world, I'd probably never purchase a PC from them as I have had bad experiences in the past. But what I will do is drop into my local PC world in January and take a look at the Dell PC's then if I like it I'll buy it online.

At the Toyshop of Doom

philip jeffery

Get the facts right

For a start everyone that believes "DSEi = Only products that kill people" you are completely wrong, yes there are products at the event designed to kill people but there are also a number of products designed to save them, for example the Panther that BAE Systems are exhibiting is safer for our soldiers because of the armour and design when compared with the current land rovers.

Also for everyone that feels like slating BAE Systems, lets see you back up your comments with facts. There are a number of big projects that have gone over budget and have been delayed, but can you say that about the 1000's of other projects that are going on within BAE Systems.

Also about the eurofighter comment, the reason it isn't armed with bullets has nothing to do with the stresses on the airframe. Its because dogfighting between jets hasn't occured in years, why take something on a flight that you would never use.

SanDisk guns for iPod Nano with slim video viewer

philip jeffery

Try the Sansa it is better than a nano

I bought a Sandisk Sansa earlier this year I prefer it over a nano, but I don't really see why Sandisk brought this new one out when they already had a Sansa out.

Intel revolted by its own 'insensitive and insulting' ad

philip jeffery


When your working on something this closely and your attention is on the detail of the message your trying to get across it is easy to miss something fairly obvious like this. But I'm sure someone got the wrists slapped for this one.

BAE shares tank as US feds break cover

philip jeffery

its obvious but why worry? - Get it right!!

"my point is why are we bothered, its really stupid to sell weapons to foreign powers, because they more often than not end up pointed at you or your allies."

Who else are they supposed to sell to, the UK Government go out tender and buy from the cheapest manufacturer, leading to poor quality products.

"the skills learnt in defence are not applicable in mainstream electronics"

What!! Thats a ridiculous statement, why would the principles be any different because its a defence product? Also its not just electrical engineers who work for BAE, there are mechanical, manufacturing, chemical even some civil. All of the work they do can be transferred to jobs outside the defence industry.