* Posts by davyclam

26 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2012

Mail-out madness as insurer offers refunds to customers in error


Re: Battle of Hastings

I had to go all the way down here for the two best comments!

Keir Starmer says facial recognition tech is the answer to far-right riots


Re: Only for the Far Right

News just in- apparently those who have pleaded guilty and gone to court are largely the local neds with a long string of previous offences. Sop they were just using the protests as an opportunity to kick off and maybe do some recreational looting. But sure, blame the "Far Right", who mostly only exist in Starmer's authoritarian brain.

Car radios crashed by station broadcasting images with no file extension



Agree absolutely about using touchscreens in a car; they're even dangerous at sea. A couple of years ago I was approaching a narrow channel at night and needed to zoom in to see the route in better detail. Whilst steering the boat I hit the touchscreen button to go from 1/2 Nm to 1/4 Nm, but my finger was wet or slipped, and instead I zoomed right out to 48 Nm. The screen was then incomprehensible and I had to rely on the old Mk 1 eyeball, which was now compromised by staring at the radar and I had little night vision. Reducing speed allowed me the time for my vision to recover, and I was able to proceed safely.

Turning a knob one click anti-clockwise would have been a simpler, more user-friendly procedure.

Touchscreens are not progress in many applications.

Machine-learning model creates creepiest Doctor Who images yet – by scanning the brain of a super fan

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Re: Doctor Who’s fictional sidekick

Leela !

Every time.

Big Brother

30 Episodes?

Made to watch 30 episodes of Dr Who with their head clamped in a vice ?

This sounds more like the Ipcress File or 1984, they probably came out completely bonkers.

Sick of AI engines scraping your pics for facial recognition? Here's a way to Fawkes them right up


Re: "16th century failed assassin Guy Fawkes"

Brexit ?

You overstepped and infringed British sovereignty, Court of Appeal tells US in software companies' copyright battle



Maybe the US company SAS has infringed the copyright of our SAS?

Fight ! Fight ! Fight !

Please be aliens, please be aliens, please be aliens... Boffins discover mystery mass beneath Moon's biggest crater


Re: Could it be

This is exactly why I come to The Register.

Oz to turn pirates into vampires: You won't see their images in mirrors


Re: local streaming / pay TV services are prohibitively expensive

They are seriously heading that way, but we still have a (Royal) Navy...

Blighty stuffs itself in Galileo airlock and dares Europe to pull the lever


Re: Yes to an EU army

Hollerithevo; possibly the pen name of Vladimir Putin, to judge by the sentiments expressed. I really LOLd at the "allow the Yanks...etc.", considering continental Europe was begging the Yanks on at least two occasions to come over and help. And where's the gratitude for that? Pphhht.

London mayor: Self-driving cars? Not without jacked-up taxes, you don't!


Re: What about the downsides?

There are three types of fuel available for road vehicles; Petrol Diesel and Coal.

Bombastic boss gave insane instructions to sensible sysadmin, with client on speakerphone


Re: So he knew how to fix it anyway?

Me too me too. I actually thought it might have been made in some less sophisticated country (Romania, USA etc.) because this stuff was passe in the Noughties.

Anyway they deserve each other.

FM now stands for 'fleeting mortality' in Norway


When I worked in Norge on the coast near Trondheim I could listen to BBC radio 5, radio Scotland and radio 4 on MW/LW on my car radio, I believe broadcast from the Burghead transmitter. All is not lost, they'll get the cricket and ISIHAC, plus Robbie Shepherd.

Former car rental biz staff gave customers' details to phone pests


Re: The calls aren't stopping

Because they're all Lawyers and they all pi55 in the same pot ?

Here's how the missile-free Royal Navy can sink enemy ships after 2018


Re: Hmmm

Given the tone of this thread I presume that you mean the 1945 Typhoon ?


Re: For close-in defence of the carriers ...

It was rumoured that HMS Warrior was to be towed to the South Atlantic as a decoy for the Exocets in 1982, since it's composite hull (whose uneconomic scrapping allowed it to survive so long) is practically impenetrable to modern weapons. Enable a large heat/radar signature and suck up all the Exocets.

Have you reinstalled Windows yet? No, I just want to PRINT THIS DAMN PAGE


Re: What is it this week?

If it ain't broke...

Thankyou for your sound advice, I will no longer allow auto-uptdating.


Re: Cats = Fleas = cat turds on the lawn

Patterdale Terrier.

No more cats anywhere.

Anonymous and pals gather in support of girl at centre of rape case

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Re: Interesting

Wow !

Can I quote you?

Sick software nasty uses child abuse pics to extort infected victims


Re: Probably lose all your hardware until whenever Mr. Plod is finished with it

I know how to solve this problem. If you get infected, isolate the ransomeware and email it to every politician/bureaucrat you can find.

Nothing will change until they feel the heat.

Gigantic Roman bathtime-fun mosaic found under Turkish field

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Re: Umm wheres the IT Angle?

Stwike him, Centuwion, vewy woughly.

Climate sceptic? You're probably a 'Birther', don't vaccinate your kids


This psychiatrist chap is inconsistent. Surely the climate change believers are the very same folk who believe in homeopathy? Not the other way round?

Wind farms are lunacy, but we still need a reliable and clean source of energy for the future.

Saudi royals seek ban on .virgin, .sex, .catholic, .wtf and 159 MORE


Re: "Many societies ... consider homosexuality to be contrary to their culture [or] morality"

They actually do a lot of the stuff they pretend to dislike.

It's called Hypocrisy and it's ok as long as you don't get found out.

Hello nasty, don't use my music: Deceased Beastie Boy to admen


Re: Time..

Thankyou for that link. Hilarious and wonderful.



Are you sure it wasn't the NRA?



I don't understand why Hasham is recieving so many down votes; his/her references to what appear to be irrational double-standards by Adam Yauch are entirely valid.