Has anyone considered.....
lHas anyone considered.....that making it more difficult for your "average" user to find "copyrighted material", may actually decrease the popularity of your copyrighted material - piracy and P2P sometimes allow something to spread/multiply to many people, who wouldn't normally pay for it, of course.
However, these people often show their friends and help to spread it further, via the internet, or showing their friends the new material they like - as well as potentially getting the "pirate" (!) to become more interested in your product.
Maybe your next video/film/song will be more anticipated, and you may make more money - the obvious aim of this material.
So is it Google providing an ultimatum? - File your copyright requests - have your popularity decreased - substantially, or take your chances, and accept that you aren't going to make money from this online community (with your current business model), which actually may have some impact on increasing your sales - and save us [Google] some admin work!