Re: Garmin
So, Wales then?
38 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Aug 2012
A have a couple of recollections of Doom. When it initially came out I was in secondary school. A good friend of mine created a map of our school in IT and we'd have fun with that, annoyingly he couldn't model the four floor tower block since you couldn't have levels above each other in Doom. No such issues with Quake though.
My second memory is at college a couple of years later and out came the Doom floppies. We'd boot it up and spend the afternoon shooting each other rather than programming in Pascal or whatever rubbish we were expected to do.
I had the misfortune of working at a place where my boss was a racist and an ageist. It was horrible. He had someone come in for an interview but because he was in his late 50s he was deemed too old to hire. Of course, some other excuse was probably used not to hire him but that's what I heard him say. So glad I'm not there anymore.
I moved into a new rental property recently and the landlord has installed a smart meter. Didn't really need one as I'm pretty good with turning things off and switching lights off after the kids have left the room. It did, however, come in very handy when we found out that the Eco function on our new oven used more electricity than the normal oven function.
"Ideally, this could be taken further. Cyclists would carry compulsory ID cards marking them as such, wear clothing with a bicycle display, and be told to get on their bikes when they need an ambulance."
Kind of unnecessary as it's very easy to spot a cyclist being that they are pedaling a push bike. Also since the a lot of cyclists are probably making NI contributions they can have access to an ambulance should they require one.
Don't forget that they are also entitled to use the roads if they have paid council tax.