* Posts by William 15

1 publicly visible post • joined 10 Aug 2012

Nokia straps Qt into ejector seat and hits the shiny red button

William 15

Re: Nice hate for WP7 around here.

Haters gonna hate, you know that. :)

I have a WP7 phone, as does my wife, and I can tell you this -- it isn't all that this guy RICHTO tries to make it out to be. I'm not a power user as far as mobile phones go, nor do I ever plan to be, so the WP7 phone is enough for me. However, I don't think that there are anywhere near the quality of apps out there for WP7 as there are for iOS or Android. I have coworkers and friends that have both of the latter two, and from what I have seen with my own two eyes, the Apple and Android apps beat those for WP7 hands down. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place for WP7 apps, maybe they just don't exist.

MS has a long way to go yet ... maybe WP8 will kick it up a notch and truly compete well; that remains to be seen. All I know is, if they can't figure out how to make an OS that does not require regular reboots, they'll never be as good as the other options out there. And yes, I am talking about the mobile OS -- if I don't reboot my phone regularly, audio for phone calls stops working, the screen doesn't always respond, calls aren't received but show up later as being missed, etc. I thought it was my phone at first, but my wife's does the same thing, and we have two different brands of phones. Seems like their mobile OS is released the same way as their desktop OS: fire, ready, aim.