61 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Aug 2012
what an arse
Lot of sheep in NZ
Always suspicious of "pedo hunters" motives.....wouldn't trust any of them with kids.
I'm glad you said that. The only sensible statement that needs making on this subject.
she played her cards very well it seems.....well enough to make one think she had "inside" help...
...but they forgot to tell the cleaner not to use that socket for her hoover.
Another reason not to shake the hand of a politician.
All the more Viagra for me
No, there should be an "OPT IN" for those who have nothing to fear.....
And we all know the law is an ass. So GCHQ can wiggle through any laws that are put in place.
Germany hasn't forgotten eastern germany so nor should the rest of us.
But farting is fart more enjoyable.