Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity, CASH IS KING! Use it or lose it, great to see cash has grown for the third year in a row in the UK
Posts by PTW
254 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jul 2012
Capital One two-day outage leaves customers in free-fall
Micropatchers share 1-instruction fix for NTLM hash leak flaw in Windows 7+
FTC urges smart device makers to disclose software update lifecycles
Musk and Trump to fall out in 2025, predicts analyst
DoJ wants Google to sell off Chrome and ban it from paying to be search default

Re: break-down in truth, trust, and hence democracy. See also: Brexit.
Missing 20M votes probably, and give over with your Brexit nonsense.
Not anon, cos I don't give a flying about your down votes. You were wrong, you lost, I, nor anyone else has to agree with your point of view. But seriously, 8 years later and you're still whining?
Wail, "democracy is broken because people didn't vote the way I wanted them to!!!1" Take a deep breath, and listen to yourself, please.
Europe's largest local authority slammed for 'poorest' ERP rollout ever
WordPress.org denies service to WP Engine, potentially putting sites at risk
A look under the hood of the 3D-printed, Raspberry Pi powered 'suicide pod'
Re: Nitrous Oxide
No need, hypoxia via Nitrogen is akin to being drunk anyway, that's why they have the CO2 removal.
I'm pretty sure a standard medical O2 mask hooked up to a nitrogen bottle would do
Michael Portillo presented an awesome documentary "How to kill a Human Being" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228865/
Did you hear the one about the help desk chap who abused privileges to prank his mate?

Good grief...
There's some truly joyless bastards lurking here, I guess the 8 of you were the same in the office, so were the target of many a prank.
Down vote away, especially if it puts a little joy in your lives.
Unlocked workstations resulted in any of the following:
Inverted screens,
Desktop icons removed, and wallpaper replaced with previous desktop screenshot,
Very rude emails composed to the head of IT, not sent, just left full screen
System language changed to Russian, or Greek
Lebanon now hit with deadly walkie-talkie blasts as Israel declares ‘new phase’ of war
The future of AI/ML depends on the reality of today – and it's not pretty
Supermicro delays 10-K filling due to accounting issues
UK tech pioneer Mike Lynch dead at 59
This uni thought it would be a good idea to do a phishing test with a fake Ebola scare
Here we go again. And again. Musk threatens to pull Twitter, SpaceX out of California

Re: This Isn't Typical El Reg Snark...
These days it's not "the woke mind virus", it's simply "dog whistle retardation" on the left, and the right, el Reg used to be so much better than this.
I used to love a healthy debate, these days it just descends to people threatening violence/spewing hate. Which to me, is a sure sign that your argument doesn't hold water.
You cannot reason people out of a position that they did not reason themselves into, and by reason, I mean looked at the data, from numerous sources.
Beer, cos it's Friday, and I don't have to deal with CrowdStrike. Have a good weekend whatever your political persuasion
Guntrader breach perp: I don't think it's a crime to dump 111k people's details online in Google Earth format
South Korea to test grenade-launching drones
84-year-old fined €250,000 for keeping Nazi war machines – including tank – in basement
AWS adds browser access to its cloudy WorkSpaces desktops – but not for Linux
Happy birthday, Sinclair Radionics: We'll remember you for your revolutionary calculators and crap watches
Great reset? More like Fake Reset: Leaders need a reality check if they think their best staff will give up hybrid work

Have I landed on a different planet?
The Office for Budget Responsibility have forecast an increase in fuel duty receipts from 2019-2020, through to 2022-2023. Did any of them look out of the window during 2020 an see the empty roads?
https://obr.uk/forecasts-in-depth/tax-by-tax-spend-by-spend/fuel-duties/# Check out the note at the top of the page!
You're not imagining it. Amazon and AWS want to hire all your friends, enemies, and everyone in between
Engineers' Laurel and Hardy moment caused British Airways 787 to take an accidental knee
Our Friends Electric: A pair of alternative options for getting around town

Re: The door
Not an urban myth, there was some odd UK law at least up into the 60s, where a 16 year old could drive a 3 wheeler, but only if it didn't have reverse. Quite why anyone thought reverse was such a huge danger between the ages of 16 and 17 I have no idea!
I remember my farther telling me of one of his friends who re-enabled reverse but had a bolt he could drop through a hole and lock out reverse should he ever be stopped by the Police.
How to keep your enterprise up to date by deploying the very latest malware
This page has been deliberately left blank
LibreOffice 7.2 release candidate reveals effort to be Microsoft-compatible
NortonLifeLock sniffs around Avast, announces 'advanced discussions' for acquisition
Sweat-sipping wearable aims to charge electronics without couch potatoes lifting a finger
Restoring your privacy costs money, which makes it a marker of class
India bans Mastercard from signing up new customers
Boffins find an 'actionable clock' hiding in your blood, ticking away to your death

Henry Allingham
WWI veteran, when asked to what he attributed his long life, he replied, "Cigarettes, whisky, and wild, wild women" 6 June 1896 - 18 July 2009 (113y 42d) R.I.P.
The general trouble with the medical profession, they think bodies should be perfect when they're lowered into the ground/burnt. I'm with Hunter S. Thompson: “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”
that's me, rather than Mr. Allingham BTW ------------->
YouTube's recommendation engine is pretty naff, Mozilla study finds
NHS England staff voice concerns about access controls on US spy-tech firm Palantir's COVID-19 data store

Re: blah, blah, blah
Was it a 60% margin to join, you know when the British public were lied to and told it was only a trading block?
Edited to add: BTW 45RPM you do sound rather condescending in your last sentence old boy. Sort of the way labour treated their voters calling them thick racists if they voted for Brexit, that worked out well
Audacity is a poster child for what can be achieved with open-source software
Data collected to promote public health must never be surrendered to police
Hubble memory errors persist despite NASA booting long-idle backup payload computer

Re: Down voted...
'cos you're a miserable curmudgeon! You do realise that almost anyone that knew that command is an old fart like me, and it took them back to the early days of home computing. That's what got most of us here [both el reg, and in IT as a profession]. And it made me smile, and think of simpler, happier times.
Anonymous South African Coward have a beer on me, I went from a ZX81 to a C64, but plenty of friends had Speccies. There was also a weird POKE command on a 32k BBC B that would make it 16k and it'd persist across reboots. It needed another POKE to fix it, thankfully the Comp Sci Master saw the funny side in the end.
Gov.UK taskforce publishes post-Brexit wish-list: 'TIGRR' pounces on GDPR, metric measures
TITAN crypto-token does the opposite of zero to $60: Value plummets in hours
South Korea bans 1700 tech products for using forged test reports
Re: "...appear to be bureaucracy at its finest"
No, if the article is to be believed, it's a large scale fraud by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories! Quote "... and paperwork said the work was done in San Francisco." when the testing was done in China.
Did Cisco, Huawei, et al have any idea what was going on?