* Posts by ZeroP

32 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jul 2012

Three million Adobe accounts hacked? Sorry, make that 38 MILLION


I wonder if that's why my credit card was flagged by the bank. I got the email (which said cards weren't accessed) when it was known, but my card was only flagged last week or so. Frustrating if so.

NSA gets burned by a sysadmin, decides to burn 90% of its sysadmins

Big Brother

Oh, there was no mistakes...

They did it deliberately.

Australian Parliament issues summons to Apple, Microsoft, Adobe


Re: Focus on Apple ?

Apple sell software too. Apps. Music. Videos. They are just as guilty as Adobe and Microsoft.

Samsung mobes pwned by ANY APP, thanks to chip code hole


The troll(s) are out in force today, like anyone convinced by a "coward" hadn't already made up their mind.

It's these sort of mistakes that make devices cooler in some ways, like when the PS3 first spilled its guts and had me all interested, until Sony wrecked it by pulling features that they couldn't maintain. Someone interested in pillaged features with a shiny bow on it like what Apple puts out would never understand. Obviously dangerous in the wrong hands, but then if you're dumb enough to install whatever goes on a smartphone, you're probably in the wrong market.

Apple's new 'Assembled in USA' iMac a bear to upgrade, repair


Re: Unclear

My first thought when I saw that mark on the iMac: "What have the Republicans done to the manufacturing class?"

German city dumping OpenOffice for Microsoft


Fuck me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Office 2013 set to have a set XML based file structure that would remove the formatting issues between it and OSS competitors? I may have dreamt it, but it would seem the council in question has shot itself in the foot if so.

Blizzard blasts 'frivolous' security lawsuit


Re: I was with Blizz too until...

Their platform, their rules. It's why I haven't touched the games I have stuck on Origin in so long.

French cops cuff man over €500K Android Trojan scam


You'd be hard pressed to find any malware at all if you obtained your software legitimately, same goes for OSX and Windows, AC troll.

A lesser-known new feature in iOS 6: It's tracking you everywhere


Re: Not good @AC 10:50

Very funny,

Woz labels Apple 'arrogant' over iPhone size inadequacy

Paris Hilton

@AC 18:53

I back up all my photos to Google+, my contacts to Google Contacts and usually keep my music on an SD card. When I play with custom firmware, my phone is fully up and running in minutes.

Paris, because people get up her in minutes too.

Steve Jobs is STILL DEAD


Re: What about...


"Jobs had a rare form of the cancer, known as neuroendocrine cancer, which grows more slowly and is easier to treat, explains Leonard Saltz, acting chief of the gastrointestinal oncology service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. "Survival for many years or even decades with endocrine cancer is not surprising." For that type, the sort that Jobs had, "survival is measured in years, as opposed to pancreatic cancer, which is measured in months."

"When you have a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, that is substantially different from pancreatic cancer," Saltz says."

"One form of treatment that is not recommended for most pancreatic cancer is a liver transplant. Media observers surmised that the transplant Jobs received in 2009 had been necessary because the cancer had spread to his liver. And although liver failure is a common cause of death for pancreatic cancer patients, because the liver is close to the pancreas and often gets invaded by the spreading cancer, getting a new one "is not an accepted standard form of treatment," he says, citing a lack of evidence to show that it works."

You can not seriously be suggesting that alternative medicine in any way helped his condition, I'm not saying he would necessarily live to park in another handicap space, but not only did he ignore rational advice, he prevented someone else receiving a replacement organ. I have less reason to think that man was even half a decent person.


What about...

His death was entirely preventable, if he didn't waste time with alternative treatments. Surely the richest Darwin Award recipient by far.

Tim Cook: 'So sorry for Apple's crap maps app - try Bing or Nokia'


Apple Maps are crowd sourced

Use a competing map service til we fix it.

Google axes YouTube attack vid after Brazilian fuzz uncuff chief


Re: Geo lock

It's possible that could be against the spirit of the order against them. I don't like it, but unless there is reform there, there's not much you can do.

iOS 6 maps can't find Sydney Apple Store


Re: Question!

Worth mentioning also, it was brand new, out-of-box unlocked WinPho 7.5. So that should about give you an idea.


Re: Question!

I have only used a customer's Nokia Lumia 610 for a few minutes, but it looked as though both applications were available. Even that cheapie phone makes me a bit damp for Nokia again.

Microsoft bod dreams up 'Star Trek holodeck' games console


Re: Madness.....

Not to nitpick, but the holodeck uses similar technology to the ship's shields to simulate matter and build a world around the user, the user doesn't move very far physically, but the world is moved around them. Evidently, the ship's computer is able to determine what would injure or kill a person and not let it do the intended damage, based on the settings the user has entered.

Apple threatens to ruin peace worldwide with voice-controlled iMacs


Re: Strawman

From the same source (apparently, you should have mentioned, by the way:


"The second way to attack a claim is on the basis of inventive step. This requires a combination of documents which describes all elements from a claim. The next step is to argue why a skilled person would (not merely could) combine those documents so as to arrive at the claimed invention. In this argumentation it is not permitted to apply hindsight. You must base the reasoning on the situation the day before the date of filing of the patent application and the knowledge a skilled person had on that day."

Voice control has been around for ages, getting it to take that next step seems like an obvious next step to me.

Now Apple wants Samsung S III, Galaxy Notes off the shelves too


@ AC 15:37GMT Re: Galaxy Note?



Game. Set. Match.

Apple's patent insanity infects Silicon Valley


Tried to rate article 11 out of 10


Apple, Samsung blast away in patent case closing arguments


Re: too easily shocked

Probably for the lack of basic features, like MMS, bluetooth file transfer and extensibility by installed applications.

Nokia CEO: No shift from Windows Phone


My big concern is that with all the models released this past year, none really seemed to have gained any traction. Not to mention they'll all be left in the dust with WinPho8 already on the horizon. It was enough to steer me away from Nokia when I had to replace my S2.

Apple 'offered Samsung $30-per-mobe' patent licence truce


@AC 13:44

So why do Apple want money from Windows Phone models, as mentioned earlier in these comments?


Re: I still fail to understand...

Google were receiving licence fees thanks to their arrangement on including the Google apps with devices from manufacturers.


I have a legally blind friend with an iPhone 4, granted he can only see it if it's right up to his face, but he gets along. Apple got their precious sale there, but I may ask him if he initially asked for something else, for poops and giggles.


Re: I see the resident Fandroids wouldn't recognise a negotiating position

The only information I saw of Samsung "admitting" they copied the iPhone were just slides sizing up against the iPhone. If they admitted to outright copying (and I still don't see the resemblance beyond basic shape...), why bother fighting it?

Apple, Samsung whip out mobe sales in patent trial showdown


Don't forget the capacitive buttons on the front of the Samsungs. Jobs would rather die than soil his generic handslab.

Oz regulator tells telly-makers to mind their language




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About time, I'm tired of scouring the boxes just to find out if it comes with or needs a wireless adaptor just to tell my customers. It's not just the consumer that finds "wireless ready", or less-to-nil common now, "HD ready".

Judge rejects Apple's calls for Samsung censure

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@MrXavia Re: Of course...

I concur, having sold both iPhones and Samsung Galaxy Models S-S3, as well as Galaxy Tabs, I don't see the likeness beyond the general shape. The Nexus lines even less so. Vocal Apple fans still have loads of evidence to actually cite (for once) before parroting the "wholesale copying" angle they keep parading about.

I HAVE had people mix the generic name of tablet with iPad, but I make sure to clarify where there is any doubt. If that's Apple's version of losing sales, they're not doing too great a job of being distinctive over generic design.

Still waiting for Apple to sue Intel as another one of their suppliers for promoting a similar rival to their Macbooks...

ROBOTS battle bunker-buster bank blast blaggers


Apple refutes 'Sony Jony' iPhone prototypes


Still just

looks like a rounded-corner rectangle to me.