* Posts by Gareth 16

8 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jul 2012

Microsoft pockets a HUGE '$28' on an Xbox One: But NOT REALLY

Gareth 16

Re: Both Sony and MSFT lose money on the hardware

All consoles are initially sold for a loss, in most cases its just a matter of getting the hardware into your home so they can provide additional services that you will inevitably have to pay for. (PSN+, XBL)

Once costs for an aging processor etc drop, RRP is kept high by them putting the exact same components in 'slim' casing, adding a slightly larger HDD then selling it for the same price it retailed at 5 years ago.

VIOLENT video games make KIDS SMARTER – more violent the BETTER

Gareth 16

Re: Question:

Why is it that people only highlight the ability to murder prostitutes in GTA games?

I guess the hoards of police/swat/fbi/regular people etc are all fair targets these days. :)

Samsung accused of sex discrimination in China plant

Gareth 16
Thumb Up

Re: typical for android

At least you didn't say move to iOS/Apple.

Now Apple wants Samsung S III, Galaxy Notes off the shelves too

Gareth 16


Even if I was in the market for a phone at the moment and Samsung phones were unavailabe to to being banned I would just gravitate towards HTC or other high end Android devices.

It becomes a joke when Apple need to ban competition, banning something that apparently looks the same doesn't mean i'm going to default to an iPhone. Christ, they are completely different operating systems...im beginning to lose faith in humanity here.

Archos pushes out 7-inch GamePad, slaps on dual thumbsticks

Gareth 16

Re: PS Vita was D.O.A.

if you want $5 shovelware like angry turds then you have the option to use PSN. Games are still available in highstreet stores for the main releases and tend to cost $40 as they last more than 5 mins and you don't need to buy in game 'cash' to progress.

You also seem to have negated the fact that iOS devices are superceeded every other month, what iPad is knocking about now iPad 3...4?

Spy Hunter

Gareth 16


That would be Special Criminal Investigation (SCI), Chase HQ sequel. :)

DDoS crooks: Do you want us to blitz those phone lines too?

Gareth 16

I was a VOIP Support Analyst up until recently, very easy to cripple some IPPBXs especially if you are mental enough to persist with a shaky protocol like SIP over ADSL.

I done a lot of work with Swyx and 3CX, most common attack i've seen is a 3rd party SIP client trying to authenticate, failing then trying over and over again so its just a DoS attack in disguise. Works though, eventually it prevents the system from registering new calls as its too busy dealing with auth requests.

Santander's banking website craps out

Gareth 16


Its a service at the end of the day, when you opened a bank account they never promised that the online banking facilities would be accessible 24/7 for the remainder of your entire LIFE!

The fact people will take the time to whine about it on Twatter of all places just boils my p*ss.

*Rant over*