* Posts by Derezed

213 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jul 2012


Elon Musk claims live Trump interview on X derailed by DDoS


Re: Wait! What?

“When Musk started screaming how would you have answered?”

E) a poo emoji.

Keir Starmer says facial recognition tech is the answer to far-right riots


Re: Encryption

The IRA gave up because they were filled with government informers and shooting mothers in the back of the head and pushing them into unmarked graves was getting old. They still haven't said where those dead mothers are.


Henry Bruce Stanley in Hackney. Very unlucky. If you were a police officer who had been told an there was a man with a shotgun wrapped in a bag who then turned to face you with said "shot gun", what would you do? Ironically he was a convicted armed robber too, not that they knew that apparently.


I think there is a degree of cherry picking here. If all you have is poor Henry and Jean Charles de Menezes (you also forgot Mark Duggan), then you're really not doing too well on convincing me that plod are a murderous force of thugs and rapists hell bent on killing, stamping and/or raping everyone they see. Most just want to keep the peace.

Big Brother

I think tear gas is actually the answer.

Here we go again with more AI crime prediction for policing


, asked to develop Prometea, estimated the project would cost $100,000.

That’s unfair, for that money they can have a very rough initial draft estimating the cost of producing the first phase of the cost estimate. A bargain in any local councils’ books.

CrowdStrike blames a test software bug for that giant global mess it made


Shut down on start menu legitimate UI.

Start is where you start the task you want to accomplish…in this case shutting down.

Payoff from AI projects is 'dismal', biz leaders complain


"I'm glad I'm not the only one who spotted that, when did a "presentation" become a "slidedeck"?! What a load of horse-doings!"

Maybe when presenting turned into someone reading a set of Microsoft PowerPoint slides to an audience (otherwise known as a slidedeck). This particular jargon doesn't bother me. It's like complaining about when did someone starting saying "I took the train" instead of "I travelled" (when people starting travelling by train).

Don't give a toss what they're called just the bollocks contained within them. I remember sitting in a room of 15 or so management consultancies at a large London borough and all they could talk about was how they didn't "just" want to do a powerpoint presentation. I had no idea what they were talking about...if you need to present an idea using pictures and words what else are you going to use? An overhead projector? Obsession with the means of communication as opposed to the content is the issue.

Julian Assange can appeal extradition to the US, London High Court rules

Black Helicopters

Re: The USA has achieved its aims

Shhh, they might be coming for you next


Re: May He Be Free

Or any self respecting journalist with an ounce of integrity.


Re: Corruption all the way down

@ Headley_Grange. JINX!


Re: Corruption all the way down

It's not true though is it? There's a difference between being a journalist and being a troll. What Assange did is what cybercriminals do...took a bunch of data and dumped it on the web and said "there you go...yous fucking well analyse it". As for Chelsea isn't she free now? According to Wikipedia, she dumped 482,832 army records online via wikileaks...all 482,832 were relevant? Fuck it! Information wants to be free so I can do what I want.

City council audit trail is an audit fail after disastrous Oracle ERP rollout


Sounds like it was too hard to configure / specify so got put off until go live…

Russia, Iran pose most aggressive threat to 2024 elections, say infoseccers


Bears pose biggest threat to woods not stinking of shit.

Pope poses biggest risk to his personal belief in Catholicism.

AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of surveyed executives


Re: Artifical Intelligence? More like Artificial Idiot!

Sadly they seem wise to this. I repeat “Human Now” but have been defeated by chat bots with no get out clause. It used to be stay silent until the system put you through to a human to find out what’s going on with the line…then they started venting people to dial tone. I had a battle of will with a chat bot that obstinately refused my human now request. I had to play its game.

Tech titans assemble to decide which jobs AI should cut first


Re: ... already facing staff shortages...

“That's going to come back and bite them on the arse...”

Can’t bite an arse that pulled out, ejaculated and cashed out. They don’t give a fuck about consequences, only money now.

Google will delete data collected from 'private' browsing


“How does Google differentiate between data collected from private browsing and other collected data”

IF Website == Porn

Vprivate = T


Vprivate = F


Hillary Clinton: 2024 will be 'ground zero' for AI election manipulation


Re: This thread ...

I think it’s mostly Russian troll farms debating about how corrupt western democracies are. I think they’ve all gone to their dachas for Easter and put themselves on automatic.



A nihilist. How original.

FTX crypto-crook Sam Bankman-Fried gets 25 years in prison


Re: So he sold shady investments to willing suckers

You should read more, he didn’t just con people he committed a massive fraud…no blurred lines.

The UK Digital Information Bill: Brexit dividend or data disaster?


Re: Growth & innovation

To be fair Jeremy Corbyn does have a portion of the blame. If he wasn’t so unelectable the Tory scum might not have had such a large majority. A useful idiot to the end…glad his political career appears to be over. We can now get rid of the tories and replace them with something slightly less blue.

Twitter's lawsuit against anti-hate-speech crusaders gets SLAPPed out of court


Re: Costs

Um…that’s X formally known as Twitter achully.

You got legal trouble? Better call SauLM-7B


Re: I love when tech nods to cult shows like this

Spoiler alert: he went to jail

City council megaproject mulls ditching Oracle after budget balloons to £131M


Re: So, continuing the follow-up of the disaster

Not as much as the guy who signed off on the project

Air Canada must pay damages after chatbot lies to grieving passenger about discount


Do we even know if AI has anything to do with this bot? They’re normally simple decision trees with canned answers, the only clever bit being interpreting what it is being asked…everything else should be clearly defined and as accurate as the meat sack who authored the responses’ intention.

Data regulator fines HelloFresh £140K for sending 80M+ spams


I heard about their abuse years ago. When I stopped using them I phoned them and threatened them with the data protection act as was…that ensured I didn’t get any of their horseshit marketing since. Sad because the product is good, the marketing is toxic so I won’t use them on that basis.

How governments become addicted to suppliers like Fujitsu


Re: Corruption

“ Yeah, yeah. Until someone moves on or gets hit by a bus. The reason they use the big boys is because they know when the shit hits the fan they have the resources to step up to the plate and fix things.”

This one is not true. Large companies don’t have lots of idle highly skilled resources to jump in when it all goes tits up. The only thing they have is the ability to take the hit when it goes to shit and provide a barely alive level of service to try to unfuck stuff. So they won’t go under but your project is still gonna die. Smaller companies often have more skin in the game and can’t afford to just write off their million pound customer like your Deloitte, ibm, Microsoft’s can…or just tell them to sit in line.

Lapsus$ teen sentenced to indefinite detention in hospital for Nvidia, GTA cyberattacks

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Isn’t being held in a Travelodge cruel and unusual punishment? I’d take Broadmoor as a pleasant upgrade. I want to hear if he hacks NORAD using a piece of wire, a gold tooth and a medium.

Come work at HQ... or find a new job, Roblox CEO tells staff


Re: The struggle is real

Give them an inch and they’ll take a yard.

Today it’s 3 days, tomorrow it’s 5. The only thing that won’t change is the CEOs lifestyle…he goes to the office when he likes.


Re: subhead got cut off

I think you fixed the wrong thing. He has a good reason not to work from the office like his drones: he’s rich and can’t be arsed. This will be BAU for senior management, their friends and tennis partners and GET BACK TO YOUR FUCKING WORKSTATION OIK! For everyone else. It’s a lose/win situation!

Excel recruitment time bomb makes top trainee doctors 'unappointable'


This is why I have a job

2023 and this shit still happens?

Good for me for what I do…bad for people fucked over by an unbelievably poor system.

AI will replace us all…yeah right…this was a problem 20 years ago…another 20 and I’ll retire and people will still be pulling shit like this.

Do better!!!!

Saying they should have used MS Access instead of Excel for this application is like saying the person responsible for cleaning the Golden Gate Bridge should use a hairbrush instead of a toothbrush…these are desktop applications not enterprise data management tools!

City council Oracle megaproject got a code red – and they went live anyway


Presumably someone’s bonus was tied to the retiring of old and implementing new. Job done!

Mozilla's midlife crisis has taken it from web pioneer to Google's weird neighbor


Re: “Google,” who dat?

I’d that a quote from Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse now?

PhD student guilty of 3D-printing 'kamikaze' drone for Islamic State terrorists


Re: Looks like something a 10 year old designed!

Being an Islamic extremist and being thick aren’t mutually exclusive unfortunately.

Also self funded phds are self funded.

UK-US data deal could hinge on fate of legal challenges to EU arrangement


Re: Sovereignty



Re: Aw come on

The British system is far worse. No anti SLAPP and libel tourists from dictatorships and kleptocracies come to London to sue journalists, human rights activists and any other little people.

95% of NFTs now totally worthless, say researchers



Nobody saw this coming. I am flabbergasted. Clearly NFTs are just better than fiat and are so much more fungible. My friend Brad sold me an nft of an adorable Roger smoking crack for $20k and now you say it’s worthless? Whatever.

Microsoft to kill off third-party printer drivers in Windows



Windows 11 doesn’t recognise my aging Samsung printer. They talk the talk…but they don’t walk the walk

Bombshell biography: Fearing nuclear war, Musk blocked Starlink to stymie Ukraine attack on Russia


Re: So Musk has blood on his hands

I think it was Shakespeare who wrote “they’re still fucking guns and they still fire fucking bullets “.

An armour piercing round from a shitty tank in the right place is still an armour piercing round.

Google Chrome Privacy Sandbox open to all: Now websites can tap into your habits directly for ads

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Another win for Brexit

“In the EU, as required by law, the notification is an invitation to opt-in to interest-based ads via Topics.”

Another Brexit dividend…why would I want the hassle of opting IN to something which Google knows I’ll love.

FUCK privacy.

IBM Cloud to 'uplift' prices by up to 29 percent


Prices go up in areas with high inflation. Stop the presses.

I'll see your data loss and raise you a security policy violation


Re: Outlook...

I wish I’d been to collage to study English.

More UK cops' names and photos exposed in supplier breach


Re: "Security measures have been taken by the MPS as a result of this report," the statement said

I believe there was no money left for lasers…it is said that they are both mutated and Ill tempered


And if you DO trip, don’t get accidentally rolled up in the loose carpet and hit those loose rubber hoses on the way down


Re: "Security measures have been taken by the MPS as a result of this report," the statement said

I think they cut the sharks in the last budget. Outsourced to Anchovies I believe…more cost effective

World's most internetty firm tries life off the net, and it's sillier than it seems


Re: Everything is impossible until someone does it

I’m going with something climate related.


Not sure what a wheel is, or its purpose. I’m enjoying this hot yellow stuff I made with some sticks.

Open source licenses need to leave the 1980s and evolve to deal with AI


Re: Unsettle law

I'll have you know the MP pay board is 100% independent and definitely not in thrall to the merry-go-round of corporate pay and mutual back scratching. Whatever our hard working MPs get paid I am 100% sure it is 100% worth every penny. 100%. /s

Elon Musk's Twitter moves were 'reaffirming' says Reddit boss amid API changes

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Re: I suspect that Twitter has a profitable future ahead of it

Sounds valid and rational to me.

Not sure on actual cost savings vs not paying for stuff. I'd be interested to see what twitter needs data centre wise vs what it has vs what it pays for. You can't just stiff your suppliers indefinitely.

On the engineering solutions front, do Twitter have an R&D function that would be able to progress those engineering solutions to reduce costs? That sounds like something someone else would do and Twitter would lease/buy in whatever they manufacture. Wouldn't this be largely what any competent company would do, not specifically Twitter?

I don't know about the business focused leader thing...I'll take your word for it, but the upshot appears to be:

1) Twitter had too many staff that cost too much and weren't required

2) Twitter had too much hardware that cost too much and wasn't required

I guess the proof of these statements will be in whether the service continues to be a service in the medium/long term.

Over 100,000 compromised ChatGPT accounts found for sale on dark web


Re: Is this worse that other products?

Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite... would you like a toasted teacake?
