Re: Wait! What?
“When Musk started screaming how would you have answered?”
E) a poo emoji.
213 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jul 2012
Henry Bruce Stanley in Hackney. Very unlucky. If you were a police officer who had been told an there was a man with a shotgun wrapped in a bag who then turned to face you with said "shot gun", what would you do? Ironically he was a convicted armed robber too, not that they knew that apparently.
I think there is a degree of cherry picking here. If all you have is poor Henry and Jean Charles de Menezes (you also forgot Mark Duggan), then you're really not doing too well on convincing me that plod are a murderous force of thugs and rapists hell bent on killing, stamping and/or raping everyone they see. Most just want to keep the peace.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one who spotted that, when did a "presentation" become a "slidedeck"?! What a load of horse-doings!"
Maybe when presenting turned into someone reading a set of Microsoft PowerPoint slides to an audience (otherwise known as a slidedeck). This particular jargon doesn't bother me. It's like complaining about when did someone starting saying "I took the train" instead of "I travelled" (when people starting travelling by train).
Don't give a toss what they're called just the bollocks contained within them. I remember sitting in a room of 15 or so management consultancies at a large London borough and all they could talk about was how they didn't "just" want to do a powerpoint presentation. I had no idea what they were talking about...if you need to present an idea using pictures and words what else are you going to use? An overhead projector? Obsession with the means of communication as opposed to the content is the issue.
It's not true though is it? There's a difference between being a journalist and being a troll. What Assange did is what cybercriminals do...took a bunch of data and dumped it on the web and said "there you go...yous fucking well analyse it". As for Chelsea isn't she free now? According to Wikipedia, she dumped 482,832 army records online via wikileaks...all 482,832 were relevant? Fuck it! Information wants to be free so I can do what I want.
Sadly they seem wise to this. I repeat “Human Now” but have been defeated by chat bots with no get out clause. It used to be stay silent until the system put you through to a human to find out what’s going on with the line…then they started venting people to dial tone. I had a battle of will with a chat bot that obstinately refused my human now request. I had to play its game.
To be fair Jeremy Corbyn does have a portion of the blame. If he wasn’t so unelectable the Tory scum might not have had such a large majority. A useful idiot to the end…glad his political career appears to be over. We can now get rid of the tories and replace them with something slightly less blue.
“ Yeah, yeah. Until someone moves on or gets hit by a bus. The reason they use the big boys is because they know when the shit hits the fan they have the resources to step up to the plate and fix things.”
This one is not true. Large companies don’t have lots of idle highly skilled resources to jump in when it all goes tits up. The only thing they have is the ability to take the hit when it goes to shit and provide a barely alive level of service to try to unfuck stuff. So they won’t go under but your project is still gonna die. Smaller companies often have more skin in the game and can’t afford to just write off their million pound customer like your Deloitte, ibm, Microsoft’s can…or just tell them to sit in line.
I think you fixed the wrong thing. He has a good reason not to work from the office like his drones: he’s rich and can’t be arsed. This will be BAU for senior management, their friends and tennis partners and GET BACK TO YOUR FUCKING WORKSTATION OIK! For everyone else. It’s a lose/win situation!
2023 and this shit still happens?
Good for me for what I do…bad for people fucked over by an unbelievably poor system.
AI will replace us all…yeah right…this was a problem 20 years ago…another 20 and I’ll retire and people will still be pulling shit like this.
Do better!!!!
Saying they should have used MS Access instead of Excel for this application is like saying the person responsible for cleaning the Golden Gate Bridge should use a hairbrush instead of a toothbrush…these are desktop applications not enterprise data management tools!
Sounds valid and rational to me.
Not sure on actual cost savings vs not paying for stuff. I'd be interested to see what twitter needs data centre wise vs what it has vs what it pays for. You can't just stiff your suppliers indefinitely.
On the engineering solutions front, do Twitter have an R&D function that would be able to progress those engineering solutions to reduce costs? That sounds like something someone else would do and Twitter would lease/buy in whatever they manufacture. Wouldn't this be largely what any competent company would do, not specifically Twitter?
I don't know about the business focused leader thing...I'll take your word for it, but the upshot appears to be:
1) Twitter had too many staff that cost too much and weren't required
2) Twitter had too much hardware that cost too much and wasn't required
I guess the proof of these statements will be in whether the service continues to be a service in the medium/long term.