Sorry folks this is just a PR exercise O2 will not pay out to ALL Affected customers
Just phoned O2 to pay my monthly bill for my company of £463.62. Asked them about compensation as mentioned in the above article. The customer service agent said he will check through the ten phones that we have O2 to see if service was affected. Surprised to discover none of my phone was affected according to their system.
I am an O2 reseller, I sell O2 contracts. My clients could nto get hold of me. The only signal I had was SOS. I opened a brand new phone thinking it was the phone. Every sharer and many of my clients whom I sold O2 contracts were affected.
I told O2 that either I am lying or you have a rubbish system in place.
So folks good luck with your compensation. Seems like O2 are just doing a PR exercise.
The Register please feel free to contact me ... I think O2 need to be investigated. A simple call usage pattern will reveal that my phone and that of the sharers and clients were affected. I sent emails to my clients to let them know.
"We have now identified all those customers directly affected (those whose devices could not connect on our system) and we are giving them the equivalent of three days back for the disruption as a gesture of goodwill and to say sorry," the operator added.
How do they identify? Can they explain to journalists what tool they use. Then perhaps they can shed light how my phone that was AFFECTED shows up as NOT AFFECTED.
I don't care for their miserable compensation but it is the PRINICIPAL! O2 execs act now before your PR exercise hits you in the face.