Re: Balloon
True, but this balloon is not regular in shape, material type, temperature, strength & pressure. So where you stick your tape is going to be critical, and could make things worse and of course it can't loose it's stickyness
32 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jul 2012
'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This console is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN XBOX ONE!!
Two specs vital for field work that were needed to be confirmed in your test.
1. The legability of the display under direct sun light ( is 800 cd/m sq quoted in specs enough?)
2. It is capable of working in temps from -20 to 60 c & I assume high values of relative humidity by its IP65 ?
Both these factors would render most laptops, tablets & netbooks as useless for field work even before taking into consideration impact & dust/moisture resistance.
Appologies if I missed this!
Cooked rice is a common source of food poisoning. It should be cooled directly after being fully cooked, then stored in a fridge for no more than one day.
The risk is that spores of Bacillus Cereus remain on partially cooked rice, which germinate into bacteria. These will then multiply and may produce toxins that cause all manner of nasty side-effects. Reheating the rice won't get rid of these toxins, so the longer cooked rice is left at room temperature, the more likely it is that bacteria, or the toxins they produce, could stop the rice being safe to eat.
All this talk of Facts! One can only quote Probabiliies that we do or do not have an effect on global warming.
I believe its less likely given the quality of the curreent evidence, the understanding of the climate is clearly not there yet, but the consequences of being wrong are potentialy disasterous so have some sympathy for precautionary measures.
I'm more worried that we do not & therefore have little ability to correcting it!.
The lack of sd slot on any tablet, is a deal breaker for me, why do I not want to use the cloud or even a local one to stream ect? No thanks, forced on to their retail outlets or forever shuffling, squashing in files to & from, is just a clunky time wasting solution, especialy if you want to do anything away from an internet connection. This becomes even more cronic & unworkable with just the 8g (4g usable) to play with.
Is this why the 32g Nexus is set now to release & replace the 16g, (rumoured for the same price of £200? & the 16g to replace the pointless 8g!)
An 8g iPad mini @ £200, (£250 more likely + £20 for the Lightning adaptor), would be just a browser/reader at best, I can't see Apple releasing such a castrated beast.
Being Human did have a simple local charm & humor to its first series, sadly the ideas ran out and it resorted to looking up its own arse and cliches in subsequent series to such an extent that the main actors left. Torch-wood, has in some episodes, replicated this pattern.
Art is often best in what ever media, in the expressing, wanting to share personal ideas, interpretations & feelings. Knowing when to stop is almost as important as the technique in execution, go too far & you kill it.
Unfortunately ( for us) when they have a winner, the relatively small production companies used, not totally unreasonably want to maximize profits in order to survive until the next hit.
In response to new intelligence on the terrorist threat, security level has been raised significantly. In order not to cause alarm and ruin the games, Mr Buckles was told to cut the number of Q4S security staff, so the army can smoothly be put in their place. The guys a hero!
Firstly he has a reputation of being straight forward, to the point of bluntness, Now whether he has chosen to remain so, in order to take the blame away from G4S by eventually resigning, is an idea, as refusing his bonus & pay for the Army/police has not pacified anyone especially the establishment & they are reliant upon their contracts. Alternatively it could just be that he hasn't the ability of a certain newspaper proprietor to not lie, but be disarmingly economic with the truth.
I am also interested in the relationship between the successive administrations and what appears to be a company that has such a well documented checkered history, yet receives a constant stream of contracts, Also with the city whose analysts have awarded it a place in the Footsie, yet can demonstrate publicly such flat footed management, poor organizational skills & judgment. Glad to see our pensions are in such capable & safe hands!
I have only limited sympathy for him based on how the MP's treated him, but sorry is not enough & he is sure, even at worst to walk away with a handsome package & solid gold pension.
Say what you like, but from the outset Mr Buckles has put his hand up, admitted liability, tried to fix it & put money where his mouth was by paying the armies costs & rejecting his bonus (ok only £1m wages this year).
I watched him being humiliatef at the select committee by self rightious set of MP's & thought, those who shout the loudest often have the most to hide, so what are they not telling us again (Teresa!)
As this contract is only 3% of there buisness & he has lifted the company from relatively modest beginings, then view our successive goverments performance , Mr Buckles intregrity is intact & a refreshing example to the recent parade of arrogent, greedy, corrupt, seedy, parasitic bankers, newspaper owners,reporters, Mp's, ministers ect,ect who are called the great & the good.
Remember, we are all in it together, except some of us are in deeper than others.
Oh yes, the software was not suiable for the task with the resoures available.