* Posts by entitled tb untitled

6 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jul 2012

Jeff Bezos bungs $10bn at climate change after chump change for Oz bush fires

entitled tb untitled

Re: A rich man...

"Here is a readable explanation of current(ish) thinking."

No it isn't. To quote the opening sentence I have been struggling to understand exactly how increasing CO2 levels leads to global warming using basic physics.... Judging from the elementary mistakes he makes, he still doesn't understand it.

UK PM May's response to London terror attack: Time to 'regulate' internet companies

entitled tb untitled

Coming soon: Some people have been known to communicate in secret by whispering - in future whispering is to be outlawed. All talking is to be in a loud shouty voice.

If these religious nutcases are motivated to commit acts of terrorism, you should take the fight to where they are weakest - religion. So take the dead terrorist have the Satanic verses tattooed on their corpse and bury them upside down facing away from Mecca with a dead pig stuck on top of them. My guess is you wont see them queuing up to commit suicide after that.

Coffee next on climate chopping-block

entitled tb untitled

Re: Why do eco-catatrophists always assume the planet is so fragile ?

I think you'll find it's denialists who assume that. Is it not they who assume the medieval warm period was so much hotter than today? Well they can't have it both ways, if it was that hot the climate sensitivity must be much higher than current estimates. LOL

Arctic ice shrinks to ‘smallest in satellite era’ - NASA

entitled tb untitled

Where is Lewis Page to reassure us that the Vikings had thriving banana plantations on Greenland and caught tropical fish from the coral reefs at the pole?

Greenland ice sheet not going anywhere in a hurry, say boffins

entitled tb untitled

Re: I didn't bother reading it

"Watts refers to his process as "online pre-peer review". I see nothing wrong with that."

LOL WUWT is 'armchair science' for people who find real science too difficult. Unfortunately 'armchair science' tends to have more in common with armchairs than science.

Olympic Security cock-up was down to that DARN software

entitled tb untitled

Did G4S India develop the software?

Did G4S India develop the software?

From G4S India website

"Software Development

G4S IT offers customised Software Development services based on latest technology, by integrating our experience in the security industry and our expertise in software development. Our IT team is equipped with the required resources in terms of manpower, technology, processes & quality to deliver world class software applications.

G4S IT software applications cover:

Workforce Scheduling & Attendance Management


Was this work outsourced to G4S's IT development in India? This is beginning to look suspiciously like a re-run of RBS/NatWest software fiasco, with the typical communications problems you get when trying to develop software half way round the world.