* Posts by Andolly

1 publicly visible post • joined 16 Jul 2012

Spotify coining it at home in Sweden: But are artists getting any?


I am a premium spotify user and probably play between 300-400 tracks over a month. Based on 300 tracks that is 3.3p per track.

If you then say 30% of that goes to the artist, that is 1.1p

Take it down to the £5 a month service and then half that to 0.55p a track to the artist at 30%.

So if you produce a good hit and get a million hits in a month. 1.1p * 1,000,000 = £11,000

Enconomises of scale, go figure.

In Short stop whining, you will get paid hansomly if you release a good track. Put my costs up to £15 quid a month I will go back to downloading from the net and you will lose my contribution all together.