Re: Buyer unknown?
Or an asset fund looking for a tax write-off
524 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jul 2012
Finally, the great space turd mystery of 1969 has been solved
So pre-2014 permissions were sought and granted for TP apps to access my and my friends' data. The terms were updated in 2014, for obvious reasons, but not retrospectively applied?! So in theory I have a whole load of TP apps, all with various permissions based on when I was asked. This doesn't feel like transparency in any adult sense.
There is, without any question, more to this story than is being told...
The guy was doing some strange stuff in simulators prior to the disappearance, and despite us being able to view a pimple on the nose of anyone on the planet via satellites, nobody knows what happened or where it is? Come on.
The idea that since 9/11 we're not tracking the precise location of every aircraft everywhere, is just not credible.
You cannot, for years, silently benefit from a system that allows the purchasing of power for money and then start throwing your toys out of the pram when the next investor takes over because you don't like the colour of their money.
Don't get me wrong, I think trump is a dangerous tool, but let's have a conversation about the game and not the player.