* Posts by DanBowmanLeBeau

4 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jul 2012

Raspberry Pi grows an eye


A Little research goes a long way


Instead of guessing from the pictures you could have looked at the forums for the real specs..........

Apple: What do our Maps need? Stalk-yer-buddies Foursquare tech, NATCH!


Never lost alone!

Well, if they add an around me feature at least you can see all the other IOS users that are stuck in the middle of the outback with you!

Search engines we have known ... before Google crushed them

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Re: No love for DogPile?

Dogpile was always my primary choice for searches, still appears to be around but afraid I jumped onto to google wagon with many others.

Door creaks and girl farts: computing in the real world


People seem to forget

... that every time a company has to spend money replacing perfectly functional software or hardware just because an interface is "not used much" we all have to pay a cost.

I work in local government and had a perfect example of this just a few months ago. We have an older PBX system which used an old, but perfectly functioning, voice mail server running Replay Plus. We were planning to replace the whole system, PBX, phones, voice mail, within the next 18-24 months for functionality purposes and to improve the services we could offer. Guess what.... voice mail server mobo fails and theres nothing that will replace it. FX phone card won't fit in anything as it is an ISA card. We hard to buy a replacement voice mail server for the next 18 months (of course, this had to be custom built to talk to the PBX.... which is going to disappear) and waste tax payers money.

In the end it does hit us all - people are just too busy to think about anyone but themselves....