Michael Fish...
There was a similar "there isn't, don't worry" prediction in the 80's by British weatherman Michael Fish... . Wrong: biggest storm in 3 centuries. This thing is going to hit!
14 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2012
Does Apple allow games with WWII swastikas to be used for entertainment? If one looks back at the efforts of the organization that used that symbol it might be possible to find ideas that were very patriotic and and maybe even something to be proud of. BUT... because of several ideas that were absolutely abhorrent and debasing to humanity that flag, aside for historical references, is consigned to the garbage and to the basements of hate filled people.
To use the swastika for entertainment purposes and leave out the extermination camps and all the other abhorrent ideology, experiments etc is no different from using the Confederate flag and ignore 1/ the historical fact that preserving lynching, kidnapping, enslaving and debasing human beings based on their skin color was a major factor in the goal of flying that flag and 2/ the present day fact that *many* mean spirited people would causally continue to fly this flag and use it in "games" despite the fact that it threatens that whole segment of society who are continually targeted by the base ideals represented by the flag.
Apart from historical reference this Confederate flag belongs with that swastika - in the trash.
I stand corrected on the second point. The Dyson filter no longer needs annual replacing - they are good for about 4 years now with the also unhealthy 6 month washing procedure. On the first point BAGLESS was my point. When removing the motor filter to wash the air will fill with particulates. When emptying the Dyson the air around will fill with particulates - nasty often invisible heavy metals etc - you might not see the cloud but you ARE inhaling it.
The Miele does not lose suction until it is almost full. But you are happy and that's good.
Although suction is about the same Miele is a far better machine. Firstly the Dyson gets dirty looking within a matter of months; dust accumulates in the crevices of the casing and is hard to clean out. Secondly instead of using bags the Dyson uses a filter - the bag is the filter in other machines like Miele - which means that when emptying the Dyson it is easy to get a lung full of particulates. Compare this to removing a closed bag of dust. The Miele has a HEPA filter at the exhaust which complements the bag when in use. The Miele is not a health hazard when "emptying." Dyson/Samsung is about marketing technology that sounds and looks fancy. The Dyson filter needs changing once a year = about the same cost as Miele bags for a year.