* Posts by alann2

10 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2012

Space Commanders rebel as Elite:Dangerous kills offline mode


it stopped being justified anger after three days of constant bleating. Its a game, many people should just get over it, get a refund, get on with life.


Re: The past is a different country....

there is still the solo mode where you don't have to be associated with 13 year olds., online yes, other humans, no.


I see the rage monkeys have appeared here as well, there is still a solo mode where you see no other human player. This mode just has to connect to the galaxy servers for environment updates, there is no need to interact with any other human, however if it means the game loses the petulant children then all the better for it.

Apple iMac 27-inch 2013: An extra hundred quid for what exactly?


Re: just purchased a 27"

Probably does, i really don't care, I tend to be hardware agnostic, nto a fan of any manufacturer.


just purchased a 27"

works, great, the service in the store was personable and efficient, hate to say it, but the machine itself is fantastic to operate, quick, easy to finish the setup and does exactly what it was bought for, and yes it does work better than any PC equivalent I've had

Top 10 Steve Ballmer quotes: '%#&@!!' and so much more

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Re: One Smart Thing

Comdey Gold, love it.

'But we like 1 Direction!' Rock gods The Who fend off teen Twitter hate mob


Will twitter fess up to the addresses of.......

These mad monk teenage girls (mostly) who make death and rape threats? or will that just be for people who are genuinely perplexed about an airport being closed?

The truth on the Navy carrier debacle? Industry got away with murder

Black Helicopters

lets build a death star

as long as we don't get:

A. government involvement

B. BAE involvement

then it should come in on time, under budget and out perform the original design criteria.

Apple's brilliant plan to fix iOS Maps: Get YOU to do it

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DOH!!! Why did I update the IoS

well, updating the IOS took away an hour of my life i'll never get back again, the maps suck, really I'm not defending Apple over this, its atrocious as for any chance that Apple will do this because of public opinion? my a**e they will!!!

GPS spoofing countermeasures: Your smartphone already has them


haven't we seen this before?

Surely the RAF, the US airforce, the Luftwaffe and others used radio wave navigation in WW2? so is BAE just re-inventing the wheel?