* Posts by El Biggles

4 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2012

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union

El Biggles

Re: Good

My car already has that feature, but it only works in countries which have differential speed limits, such as France. It also detects when towing and applies the appropriate speed limit. ISA isn't switched on by default though.

Gmail is secure. Netflix is secure. Together they're a phishing threat

El Biggles

Re: Netflix

Read what you typed, the two addresses ARE different without the dot in the first part. Actually this is a very good illustration of how easy it is to mis-type an email address.

UK.gov squatting on £1bn IPv4 motherlode

El Biggles

Re: It is in use

Correct - GSI routing uses non-private IP addresses in order to be able to unambiguously route from Govt Departments which connect to multiple private networks. With hindsight, if each govt dept had avoided using the 10. private address space, this could have been used by GSI, thus avoiding the use of a chunk (but ONLY a chunk of, not all) of the 51. space. There is probably a large percentage of the 51. space remanining unused which could be recycled.

RBS customers still suffering tech issues at Virgin One Account

El Biggles

The effect has spread to other banks

I made a payment on 19th June from my Santander account to pay a bill - the payee has a Nat West account. The payment appeared to go through, but the payee never received payment and when I checked my Santander account last night there was no trace whatsoever of the transaction although the payee details (including invoice number) were still there. I assume the transaction has somehow been reversed as part of Nat West/RBS recovering from the IT fiasco. The lack of any kind of audit trail being shown on the account is however shocking.