Re: Quite
just finished enduring this crapster called "2 Chains" my ears have permanently blocked themselfs...
40 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2012
you simple minded Limies never stop amazing me with your knack for destroying civil liberty .. freedom of speech... where do you put said cyber bullies, the tower of London ? & @ the same time your country is being taken over physically by real bullies... the mooslims ! lol bunch -o-dorks ... :O
where'd these bozos get the lame idea that CO2 emissions were responsible for climate disruption...problem with coal plant emissions is with the release of SULFUR DIOXIDE which precipitates out as acid rain... love to see scrubbers on coal plants for SULFUR DIOXIDE... CO2 doesn't do squat...
i'm a lowland hillbilly who married my cousin... but I understand well chemistry enough to understand it's sulfur dioxide in coal plant emissions that wrecks havoc with the environment , not CO2... can't the Obamites come up with a plausible "Tax & Spend" scheme... bty I'm all for scrubbing heavy metals & sulfur dioxide from coal plant emissions... love to fish for brook trout ... acid rain & mercury are doing them in... :(
U.S. illegal workers get full Social Security benefits as soon as they cross the border... Free food ,free housing,free medical, bonus for having hordes of children .& all @ the expense of the chinese...(thats where the monies come from to cover the free-loaders in the U.S.A....)... If the chinese workers only knew that they were paying the freight for the Mexicans in the U.S. they would nuke Mexico... lol :P
you Maroons remind me of kid's in the 60's addicted to transistor radios... Like apple need's another billion to add to their stack of billions... stop buying that overpriced bullsh*t... put that cash into your own pocket & go out & buy the cheapest net-10 you can find.Apple & friend's will cut prices to the bone if you dis them for a year or two...