2 people who paid?
I thought I was the only one!
38 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2012
Fair play, he can drive an F1 car.
Other than that, jog on you muppet. Yeah, IT is a male dominated industry, but HR is a female dominated industry and you don't hear anyone harking on about getting more guys into HR...
All I'm saying is if you try to force it, it'll end wrong. If women want to be in IT, great, but let them find their own way. If you run all of these promotions and offer lower standards, it'll only devalue the truly skilled women in IT already.
And there will not ever be a Female World Champion F1 driver. You can call me whatever you want, but that's biology for you. One of the reasons they're looking at a female only motorsport series.
You're missing the point. No one in the security industry will offer you, with a straight face, impenetrable security!
However, it's a war of attrition. These small things all add up to form a decent protective barrier. The policy, procedure, people, process and technology are all required.
Yes, issues can still arise, but that is life and if you look at GDPR, take it seriously, and implement it appropriately, you'll be in a better place than you were...perhaps much better.
And how can that be a bad thing?
So what if these people are giving away their personal data. If they are that narrow minded in their quest to tell the world how amazing they are, they've got it coming to them. More to the point it's the prolific posters who lead the dullest most boring of lives.
I'm happy to sit back and watch the world BURN...through my bogus facebook account!
As much as I will be turning my win 10 to basic when I actually install it, how bad is it really? I mean we all panic and go off on one but surely people aren't in the banana boat of 'Google don't do this' or any other 'inserttechcompanyherethatprovidefreestuff'. Microsoft aren't interested in you as an individual. Like all other companies, they want the big data.
I admit that they could be a bit...a lot more clear about this, but they know it'll scare people off and everyone would have a massive over reaction to it. We still have a reaction, but at least it isn't in the public eye so MS have scored a win on this one.
You see I'm not so sure. The ultimate goal of any company is to have as little staff as possible - they're a pain and costly.
So it becomes a simple game of numbers - it always is. You can have 95% of the effectiveness for 10% of the cost based on a 5 year ROI. Let's face it, what CEO/CFO/CIO wouldn't snap that up?!
For most SMEs, I can see a reduction to a few semi techie staff and a manager. Only for the larger companies will it make sense to perform some real fine tuning.
I hope IT avoids the 'equality' problem.
I really couldn't give a stuff if you are male, female, black, white, or anything between - you are either capable or you aren't.
Why should I/you make exceptions for someone because they are the minority?
I have had a female boss before and she was shit. Not because she was female, but because she was shit - simple as that. I have also had plenty of shit male bosses too :)
So yes, celebrate Ava Lovelace because she was a mathematical genius developing a machine 100 years ahead of its time, but don't celebrate her because she represents women in Technology as it smacks of hypocrisy and somewhat belittles her achievements.
I agree on the progress bit but, like a cruise liner, you can't expect even an SMB to stop on a sixpence so there has to be enough similarity to allow the change to be accepted.
It seems to me this is what Win10 is planning - 'We're still as you remember us, but maybe you'd like to check out this feature' instead of 'YOU WILL CONFORM!!!'
All in eBay take about 13% of what you sell for. Well, upto £750 and £75 is the maximum they take. This seems to have gone up from £40 in 2010 (so nearly doubled in 4 years).
The problem is greed. I offer to work with people outside of ebay but mostly they aren't interested.
So when I do win the auction, we both lose - I pay more, they get less.
Yes it's legal because those people are needlessly endangering my life. When there is an incident, the first thing the guilty party does is blame you. So next time you see a cyclist/motorcyclist there is a good chance you're being filmed because the majority of car drivers are too busy mucking about and not paying attention whether it's texting or zoned out because they have't had their morning coffee :)
I ride to work with a helmet cam for this reason. You can see the phone users a mile off as they shimmy about and border the lane. That and they don't see fit to get out of the outside lane despite dawdling along and nothing in the inside lane. I have quite a few reg plates and face on camera :)
Yeah, industry standard of big numbers.
Flywheel horsepower instead of wheel horsepower
Bits instead of bytes
Even AMD labelled their old Athon procs 2500+ when they were running at 1.8GHz.
Unfortunately, if you asked the average consumer how many milliamps were in an amp, do you think they'd know?!
This whole cloud thing is a dilemma. I want to promote co-lo, I want good hardware all under my control (And by good, I mean good, not silly expensive for kicks). However, the execs want things now and they don't keep you upto date with any of the planning or future business strategies, hence you are given a tiny window to provide a solution.
Perhaps the best reason to employ a cloud service is the willingness of the execs not to spend money on staff/kit, but to pay a monthly cost.
I don't know about you, but there are only so many sweets you can eat before you become sick.
I love IT and left a decent job as an Aircraft Engineer to go back to university for three years, get a Computer related degree, and start from the bottom again.
However, after doing 8-9 hours of it a day, the last thing I want to do when I get home is more IT. If people can stomach that, all the best to them, but knowing this is why I allow my staff, workload depending, 3-4 hours a week to self study towards certifications.
This is a massive win/win. They appreciate that I take an interest in their development (Which I do) and their greater skillset allows me to get more done in a shorter time.
When they leave work they can relax and go the gym, watch TV, enjoy time with their other half and come back into work feeling refreshed.
I'll drink to that, after work because I'm enjoying my own time.
This is an interesting topic because I am now in a position of Management trying to train up my staff.
I firmly believe in IT training and the company should understand that it's a lifecycle - Person is new, they are trained, they gain experience, and after 2 years if they haven't been promoted, they leave.
There is nothing wrong with thinking like this and the fact we have Software/Hardware lifecycles should mean that it shouldn't be a taboo subject. People move on, trying to stagnate them will only backfire.
Ultimately, companies should offer it because whilst they may think that they are preventing people from moving, what they are essentially doing is keeping hold of the dross.
Being Cisco Certified, the network I am now in charge of is full of Dell Powerconnect. I SSH'ed onto a box and didn't find it that intuitive TBH. Even trying to manipulate the ARP table to find where a PC was plugged in was proving troublesome whereas it'd take me all of 10 second on Cisco. I know Dell have bought Force10 Networks and I hear good things (Especially as it's 98% cisco IOS commands) but does anyone know a decent translator where you'd put in the Cisco and get out the Dell Power Connect syntax?!?!
Sounds very similar to me. I did my first degree in Aeronautical engineering whilst working for a large European Civil Aviation company. I enjoyed the job, but the pay was only ever going to be mediocre (Unless you got to Exec level which was impossible unless you liked playing Golf with various senior Execs). So I went back to Uni in 2003 and did a BEng in Computer Systems. I'm certainly not on crazy money, but enough to afford a house, a car and a few hobbies. I have far more prospects than my Aero engineering days anyway!!
I was looking for the nail head, but it has truly whacked :)
What apple does best is marketing and that is where it simply destroys any and all competition.
In truth, it doesn't matter how much Android looks/feels like Apple, the fact it it ISN'T Apple and for the many Fanbois who buy into the high fives at the stores and camping out all night so they can been seen in public being cool (?), Apple is all that matters.