Re: @dogged- HAMs
yo have never meta radio ham personally so you cannot comment on what your saying , if it was not for radio hams the mobile phone, tv satallite coms all this stuff would never have benn invented .
radiohams know a lot more about rf that you do . plus these guys have been ising radio without causing interference for a very long time and thye do know how to fix it , plts do not conform to the standards and devices severaltimes now suppied by bt have had to be removed form the market and changed deu to the problems they cause.
I f you get an ofcom visit because of your plt device causing rf spectrum abuse you can get fined and sent to prison , as there are other services using these bands as well ie cosatgaurd/police around 150mhz, airtraffic 118mhz to 130mhz all deivces could and can cuase problems there as well , you also have the miltary freq on hf whch means you may get yourself in alot of trouble.