* Posts by CJ 5

6 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2012

One year on, Windows 8.1 hits milestone, nudges past XP

CJ 5

So much hate???

Wow. I can't believe there are so many tech people hating Win 8, while loving Win 7.

Win 7 was an improvement over Win Vista. Win 8 was an improvement over Win 7 and Win 8.1 is an improvement over Win 8. It's sleek, fast, stable, reliable. Sure, the Metro UI sucks, but with 8.1 that's almost completely gone, except for the Start menu. Install ClassicShell and you've got yourself a very nice OS.

Call of Duty, GTA V do not make youth more violent

CJ 5

Games don't make people violent, lag does

I remember reading somewhere that lag is responsible for much more aggression than the actual virtual killing

Top Canadian court: Cops need warrant to get names from ISPs

CJ 5

Maybe because they have to? Here in Holland telcos and ISPs are obliged to save meta data for 6-12 months for law enforcement and anti-terrorism purposes.

Google in Dutch: Privacy changes BREAK data law, says Netherlands

CJ 5

Re: "It is almost impossible not to use Google services on the internet."

Like the quote said, it's possible to use the internet without actively using Google services. However it's a lot harder to avoid all the websites that serve Google ads, which are also monitored with tracking cookies etc.

ITC denies Apple an emergency ban on ALL HTC PHONES

CJ 5

Re: Just to be clear here......

It seems that in America you can patent anything as a new invention if you add '.. on a smartphone'.

Apple faces Italian shutdown over warranty skulduggery

CJ 5


Here in Holland we don't have a warranty term specified. The law simply says that a product should work without problems for a reasonable amount of time. I think it's reasonable to expect a smartphone to work for at least two years.