reverse psychology
1. Give it away for free.
2. make it expire.
3. make people buy it when it does expire
4. profit!!?!
I actually like it so far. I am thinking about making it my primary OS.
37 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jun 2007
"With our enhancements to the HULC system, Soldiers will be able to carry loads up to 200 pounds with minimal effort," according to Lockheed's Rich Russell.
Until his battery runs out or his rig gets broken.
What happens if this rig goes down while in use?
this is a dumb idea for combat troops. most will ditch theirs and carry a minimal load.
who doesn't carry a knife?
and really, can't you just pick up the net and sling it over your back and keep stealing?
and doesn't that net make a handy binding for all your booty?
and it doesn't lash you to the machine?
and who isn't going to destroy that machine once they get netted?
it doesn't cost $15 to do an exhaustive search of yahoo email. Palin is full of shit up to her ears. This is extortion and should be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. I hope a judge orders her to turn them over now without trying to make the taxpayers pay anything. She's nothing but a lying conniving bitch.
the so-called use will cause irreparable harm to the artists whose work it is. The artists have already made it perfectly clear, the use of their work in that instance is unauthorized. And the artists have the right to say who can and can't use their work for clearly commercial purposes. It's called copyright. Claiming it's not commercial is just stupid. Because money is not the goal doesn't make it fair use. It's clearly not fair use.
I use comcast and they certainly block the hell out of bit torrent. They also penalize bit torrent users by blocking http requests when a torrent is being downloaded or seeded. I fixed this "issue" by putting my torrents on port 80. Comcast are lying bastards. They are still doing this today. They block it by infinitely delaying it. They only delay it until the TTL expires. thus effectively blocking it. Comcast should be forced to remove the offending equipment from their network.
US mobile service providers offer the worst phones. They're all dumbed down and vendor locked.
My last 4 phones have all been nokia.
n-gage QD
n80 (which is ready for replacement).
I was so praying that the tube would come in a flavor for T-mo USA. Which as we all know uses 1700AWS for 3g. 1700MHz for downstream and 2100Mhz for upstream. Total pisser, since no useful phones actually support it yet.
I am clearly a nokia fanboy. I just wish I could get the latest nokia phones here without donating a kidney to pay for them.
to cancel out noises, one channel needs to have the waveform inverted. so, left or right channel would be inverted. This would cancel out everything. so, you have a mic on one side with a dsp that inverts the sound waves and throwing that into one ear. Then the headphones play whatever you want them to. pretty low tech actually
playing the guitar and reading music are also two separate skills. I play trumpet, piano, drums and other stuff. I also read music fairly well. I can play guitar hero just fine. Reading music tends to help you with the guitar hero skills because your hand-eye coordination tends to be a bit tighter. Playing guitar is a hand-hand skill. How many guitarists do you know that actually read music?
Just because you suck at a video game doesn't mean you need to bash the game.
I can fix a leak just fine but that doesn't automagically mean I can rescue a princess.
Get over yourself and stick to solitaire.
I agree. However, she is not yelling fire in a crowded theater here. She's cursing her overflowing toilet in her own home.
She should sue this cop and his force for wrongful arrest. She should sue the district for wrongful prosecution. She should send a message that most Americans seem to have forgotten. Keep your nose out of my asshole. The government massively overstepped their bounds here. The police seem to believe that they have more power than they actually have.
They use filtering for sure. This filtering allows burst speeds for me of over 20Mbit. I also can't seed torrents for crap. Not all torrents are illegal. I just downloaded the OpenSuSE 10.3 DVD over torrent. Now I can't seed it. There is a simple fix for this however on a Linux firewall:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport <YOUR TORRENT PORT> --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP
This should alleviate the strain. The problem for me at least is that I use more bandwidth than the granny next door. Comcast thinks that I shouldn't be allowed to use more than the granny next door. I paid for "unlimited" service. I expect it.
As for the US and its consumer laws, the country is facist. Facism is when the corporations become the government. When we have trade organizations writing legislation that our congress pass without reading, then we have facism. This is why these companies are allowed by the government to harm consumers.
Most business contracts you sign in the US will have a clause stating that the other party can change the terms of the contract at will, without notification. We sign the contract because there is no alternative. They all state it. Even though it's against our constitution to do such a thing, the trade organizations have written their own legislation and have passed it with our sad congress.
I don't believe this would be possible with current hardware.
The DVD software designers are not simply going to destroy half their customer base by following these guidelines.
The law provides for fair use. I want to watch the DVD's that I own on every device I own. I have to rip my DVD's for that purpose.
They must comply with the law.