* Posts by Freshp2

16 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jun 2012

Curiosity rover hijacked by will.i.am to debut science song


To boldly go where no brother has gone before......... I'm guessing we will be beaming back tracks made by curiosity from a app that it downloaded from the app store while on route. Endless possibilities..... dj'ing from curi, curi on the ones and twos..... Cutting with lasor precision..... Curi tweeting...... Curi live from Mars broadcasting Via satellite to the VMAs, with a moon man..... I mean a Martian.

Coming to a cloud near you: dirty laundry


The Evil empires...... Once agin the future is very exciting, having apps and devices running your home, hell I seen a youtube vid with a iphone app controlling a Porche....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZOqhPbj7rs&feature=youtube_gdata_player.....Coolest iPhone App Ever - iPorsche Remote - Must See !!!

If you can get it to play from this link..... The problem with all this is yes, the data swirling around in the cloud, hackers, online privacy constantly under fire takes the appeal out of it. But as long as they don't hack into your homes camera system and hold an online auction of all your goods on ebay, and by the time you get home you've got a moving crew pulling everything out the house going to the highest bidder we might have a good deal..... but do proceed with caution.I feel crime is going to look a whole lot stranger in the next few years........

Apple TV: Rubbish, you don't like documentaries – I'll just flick to porn


Does this thing come with Siri? I'm looking for something special

This is awesome......... Um Siri, during all commercials, play my vevo play list...... Pic hit vids..... And every 10 minuets get my bloomberg stock ticker rolling, you got my stocks to watch right? Siri??? Are you going to be able to handle double duty...... iPhone and web TV??? Siri............

'Sex and the female brain are connected' - shock discovery


I recently heard Oral sex is curing morning sicness.........I almost wanted to remarry.

eBay invites mystic wrath over ban on spells, potions and lotions

Big Brother

Well burn the witches at the stakes...... And burn all the books, well digitize the books, oh google is already on the job, but you know what it might be better to run your own webpage/hocus pocus and keep control over your own magic potion to make money, because the web, art and money are doing too many disappearing acts.....

Vanishing Post! Is freshp2

Assange granted asylum by Ecuador after US refused to rule out charges

Paris Hilton

NO INTERNS PLEASE! But can you write code? I might have some work for you

In a pinch...... Two heavy weights breathing down your neck and wanting blood....... Like parents trying to figure out what to do with your A€$...... send him to the pen or to boarding school? Well at least he didn't sell the cables to a know terrorist group, although I'm pretty sure he feels like he's being held hostage by terrorist. But how will this effect shared information on the web? If information is on the web somebody will eventually get their hands on it, I've came across plenty of info I should have shared, but whistle blowing isn't my thing, but I get it.....but I'm a creative........ I sometimes see myself as Galileo...... Battling with the chuch about all that I believe to be true through my discoveries....... I seek and they destroy, it's on going, the inquisition. But it can be done to the likes of all, if we just loosen up a bit, on both sides...... These are dangerous times, and people want to know what's going on in the world, and enemies of the states do to as well. You gotta sit down and hash it out....... I'm pretty sure Europe and America would hate to be toppled by a leak thet led to it's demise, by protest, riots, facebook posts and tweets like in Egypt and others places as we seen it could happen, but let's not try and find out......... peace out! VP is freshp2

Boffins say Vodka Red Bulls make you sensible


Raging bull, shaken not stirred.......

Vindication........ Now you can't say we be dope'n! Balance is good even under the influence of packaged liq and red bull. But proceed with caution you don't Want to over clock, burning the candle at both ends, clubs in Vegas don't get crack'n till 1am.......... And you don't want to stumble to the house 9hrs later trying to finnish up a project that's do in 3hrs......... You know how that winds up........ Crank~~~~~~> eeeeee

VP is Freshp2 online.

YouTube escapes Google's piracy site smackdown


Well let's help google make it light for themselves....... As for music just pay artist separate from the lable and publishish so they actually get paid, like ringtone money, in the form of adwords or something you guys are smart Work it out. As for all other content creators.........same biz, google needs to think outside web. If it's posted, uploaded and your advertising against it...... Spred the wealth, be that good Shepard and change the game... Again. Might take as long as trying to scan every book...... Tag folks work, and find a way to get those lil $25 a year royalty checks rolling in good faith......... Game changers change the game.

Don't get sued or cuffed on Twitter: Read these top 10 pitfalls


Oh boy here we go...... Now you want to put a end to cybor bullying?It's about time. Well you may very well have to shut twitter down. Because once you inact these rules, the only people who would follow these will be academics. Everybody els is heading for the hills with all their fame and glory leaving twitter looking like a a tsunami hit twice. Now the question after that Will be, can Facebook handle the mass exadous form twits ville? There will be opportunity. With folks posting nicely along side thier parents, grandparent, kids, shift managers, friends, pottential bosses, advertising adverts while playing farmville..... Could be a huge payday for zuck, if he could find a way to get folks to play with real money and not with likes. As for twitter and all this change????? That's your bread and butter baby, you got a pitbull, now you want a poodle with pink hair.... good luck.

Hooper's copyright hubs - could be a big British win with BBC backing


Pictures worth a thousand dollars(words) if I can fetch it.

Good! And let content creators negotiate their own pricing as well. We all have respect for the APs, Gettys and so on, but we don't need every piece of photography going the way of music publishing and licensing..... Way to expensive for anybody to strike a deal and make money. No disrespect. But like the man said get on with it.

Vanishing Post. And I'm Freshp

Fake sandwich shop's big fake Likes leave Facebook looking flaky



well blow me up and bring the hefty bags.... its time to rake in the leaves....... I feel for zuck, the kid is just a cool kid who's seen his monster, oops I mean baby grow up and take on the world, to only get on the playground with the big boys, and get shoooowed away for not being about making serious coin. Now the stats are coming into question?, whats next, zuch is really not the CEO? he's just the figurehead.......

How to fix the broken internet economy: START HERE



God bless you. finally someone had the balls to speak the truth. thats a good one, make the black market white.

Lowery: The blue-collar musician at the eye of the copyright storm



living life offline, I go to jail for 20 years for a gram, you get probation for 8kilos. Let's not make the same mistakes online too........

UK.gov proposes massive copyright land snatch


Somebody got the big wheels roll'n

Joe Biden vs Kim Dotcom - Megaupload thriller


I'd sell to yahoo..... And start up another start up, big gov is going mad over this IP/copyright game, they need to see threw the smoke being fanned by their own. VP

Google orders spontaneous support for Parliamentary motion



With all fairness I think google and others would like to see content creators/artist get paid for what they do, but they are most likely waiting for the right format to show up that all parties involved would be treated right. So they won't change their business model at all to suit anybody, if it's online it's going to ge searched and shared for free, we know the drill, but you should be checking and investing in those who just might have some clues answers or business model that might facilitate that need. Now anybody in business knows that, the next big thig, never looks like the next big thing. But I'm working on it.
