* Posts by Michael

6 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jun 2007

Fans decry tennis gal's breast-slash plan

Paris Hilton

A real shame

Maybe she should play a few exhibition matches against the male gender first. Get in a few wins by way of distraction?

Asus to slash retail Eee PC line-up


Hard Drive only?

Why does it seem like I'm the only person who wants to buy a 9 inch netbook with SSD? It's hard enough already to find ANY store selling EEEs, and already I can only see hard drive models.

On top of that ASUS seems to be the only manufacturer with SSD, which is the one feature I really wanted out of a netbook, guess I'll just have to look harder?

AT&T Idolises promotional texting



"struugling to see how the american companies managed to slip in paying to recieve texts?"

Because they somehow managed to convince the general public that 180 characters costs them the same as a minute of mid-range long distance. How I will never know...but if people actually understood computers, they'd realize that I could store every (text only) transmission for a entire year on my hard drive. That does not cost them 25 cents to both send AND receive

Sleazy doctors plead guilty to web drug racket


Knew these were a bad idea from the start

I remember seeing a news report about these kinds of sites, and how they were so great because not everyone can get to a doctor.

First thing that came to mind is, how easy is it to describe generic chronic pain and get yourself some nice opiates.

Next was, what kind of crazy doctor would give out prescriptions sight unseen? sure the symptoms you described match X mild condition, leaving out that rash you can't remember where exactly you got (but you don't think is important), or dizziness you've been blaming on the heat or something. Who becomes liable when you die of a horrible, but treatable disease? You for not volunteering obvious symptoms, or the doctor for not researching every possible condition with a bad cough and head aches.

Latest Vista SP1 tweak open to everyone with a week to spare


I'll never understand vista haters...

OK. so the biggest gripe about Microsoft is that they don't release patches as fast as linux people do, cause they wait for a certain day for a release day. Another issue is that they don't listen to bugs immediately and send out a new fix.

So now they send out a SP1 because they have it, and all the linux guys start ranting because they released a patch early and expect you to report bugs so they can fix it for other people...I'm kinda curious what would have happened if they'd called it a release candidate, would that have appeased everyone?

Seriously people, did Microsoft punch you in the testicles or something as children? Maybe vista runs a little slower than XP, but you know what else it does? It's more stable, I think I've had to restart it cause it's hung itself twice in the last 5 months. I think I was lucky to go 2 weeks with a record like that. When a program crashes (yes it does happen, but you should see how badly I treat these things), you can shut it down and start it up again, no problem.

Hands up everyone who tried vista the week it was released and decided it was crap and never touched it again, yeah, you know who you are. I've had people ask me why their stuff isn't working, I ask them when they last updated...they say June...and then I laugh. Would you run Ubuntu without updates? hell no, so why is it so bad that Vista needs them too.

I run VIsta because I don't care that other things are X more protected against things. I run Vista because I want everything I have to run perfectly. And so far I've had 3 things not work. Tribes 2, and I'm not positive I installed perfectly in the first place. My favourite IDE didn't work properly when compiling .c files, worked just fine if I called them .cpp though, might have been because they haven't released an update in 3 years. Finally, I had to mess around with some properties to get Nintendo DS compiler to work with the library I use because they haven't updated it yet to the base library that does work with Vista.

DVD ripping to be rendered impossible?



I will never understand copy protection on video and audio. As long as you can actually play it, you can record what's coming off them by some means or another. Sure, it might mean reverse engineering the interface, or just putting a really basic text based one to access the audio and video.

The only DVD protection I can realistically see working, is for it to made of a solid block of concrete.