Come on guys
Surely there are enough pestilent animals in the world (Cats and frogs come to mind from recent Reg reading) to not have too many animal rights activists going crazy.
I mean really.
Isn't he really just trying to get your goat?
86 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jun 2007
and definately no ... KARAOKE either ....
but wait, that should be banned ANYWAY, never in all my life have I ever heard such bad singing, not even on Idols. And its doubly embarrasing to watch your drunks bosses singing it .... although it is good for a few .. laughs when you have it on video later.
Anonymous Vulture, are you for real? You post, then comment on your own posts, then comment on those comments? Seriously, this must be easily one of the longest conversations between one person that I have seen in ages. I thought I was a little odd talking to mayself, but at least I don't answer myself back.
"Lord Helmut, they just jammed the radar!"
"What! Tell me what happened"
"Well, first it was going 'Blip, Blip, Blip' ... then SPLAT .. then it was going 'shshshshshshshshshshshshs'"
"Raspberry jam!, There's only one... man who would dare give me the raspberry: LONESTARR!"
(Thats from Spaceballs, just in case you didn't get it)
Thats exactly why they started having a deathwatch in the old days, because people they thought were dead weren't, so sometimes they used to set up strings down to the coffinsconnected to bells and have someone up-top spend the night at the gravesite. Must have been an interesting night.
Re: Ransden Gnomefumbler - I think that is the best one I have read in ages
Re: Lester Haines - I love reading your articels almost as much as I love reading the comments to your articels. Somehow, no matter what you do you mange to get a wide variety of people who either love or hate your articles, all wiling to comment. When it is IT related, you get slated, when there is no IT angle, you get slated. At least you are famous :)
Hey Michael
A freind of mine was doing a technical course where they had to write an app (way back when they did these things) which could read the mouse movements. The only problem was that instead of receiving info from the mouse he tried to "send" info to the mouse. The result? Blue smoke - and before he could unplug it, an exploding mouse.
This shows us 2 thing:
1. Mice can explode
2. Blue smoke is bad
The question on my mind is this .. what if they miss? So the alleged bomb is flying in front of the moon or any one of the hundreds of satelites we have in orbit around the earth, not to mention a fair number of civilian planes up in the sky. Surely the potential to hit one of these is pretty high, and what would the consequences of that be?