* Posts by SaveMefromeejits

12 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2012

One day we'll look back and say this was the end of the software platform


Re: Waiting ...

1. The fact that google don't sell Android doesn't mean they don't make money from it. Remember they are an advertising company that makes money from knowing what people are doing. The best way to do that is to put a phone in their pockets. They don't sell it because then we'd be the customers and not the products.

2. You're not really up with the times are you. Amazon are a cloud computing provider with a website that sells a bit of stuff too. In everything they've done it has always been about minimising margins. If they started fattening those margins others would do what amazon did and come and undercut. On the web the cheapest price is just a click away.

Microsoft unveils push-button app generator for Windows Phone


Re: The way to get more apps is redefine the term "app"

Sheer marketing brilliance indeed, originally thought up by google and killed off in one of their many waves of things they got bored of supporting.

As I recall it was called 'app-inventor' and it was actually built from concepts created for teaching children programming techniques and some of their marketing did look like such scribblings.

Free cloud server self-destructs in 35 minutes


Re: Spam.

By default SMTP ports are blocked on EC2, they are opened by request, so it wouldn't work for spam - but thank you for playing!

Google brings Blink-powered Chrome to Windows and Mac OS X


Because have so little ability already, that the only way they could gather data is through a compromised browser? - the one thing that could be independently checked by outside forces - and considering the bounties that are given to bug finders, actually is checked.

Google, government et al don't need compromised browsers to get your data. They already get it through a plethora of other means.

Amazon slashes Windows cloud pricing


Spot Instances

The thing that both Azure and Google seem to miss is the availability of Spot Instances on Amazon, I run a small instance on EC2 that would normally cost ~$40 a month, but instead costs ~$5 a month.

Sure it reboots every so often, but if you've configured it right, it just means an hour or so downtime a month.

Dell PowerEdge boots up after Hurricane Sandy acid bath


Shocked I say, Shocked.

I'm failing to see why this is such a shock!

I assume the power was already out before this happened.

So it got wet, they hosed it out, dried it with rice, turned it on and it worked.

Well, I for one am shocked. Who'd have thought a dried out circuit board would ever work again.

New transistor tech could beat silicon and save Moore's Law


Re: Alternatively...

You're right! I mean, 640K is more memory than anyone will ever need!

Bring back the 386DX is what I say!


Re: Where are you going to get the equipment to run the wafers.

I hear that's exactly what Intel do when they're considering a new production line. Get on ebay and find some old cutting edge chip making gear.

You know who else hates Windows 8? Hackers



In order to gain Windows Hardware Certification there is a requirement ("System.Fundamentals.Firmware.UEFISecureBootSystem" section 18) that makes it mandatory to be able to turn secure boot off, If it can't be turned off, it isn't certified (which is the whole point in the first place)

Quit spreading fud, if you don't like it, turn it off, install whatever you like.

Disaster strikes Doyenz disaster recovery cloud


before I read this article I'd never heard of doyenz! who the hell are they. Certainly no cloud vendor I've ever known of before.

it sounds like they were more a VPC that got rebadged.

The problem with storing in 'the cloud' is avoiding single points of failure. You don't want 'too big to fail' (though that helps) you want to spread your load across multiple vendors, in multiple continents.

The chances of all of the data centres belonging to MS, Amazon, Google, and Rackspace going bump at the same time is pretty remote.

Storing in the cloud is perfectly safe, as long as you're not a moron about it.

Microsoft gets its hypervisor war face on, squares up to VMware


Re: For what client?

This is Hyper-v running over CIFS as far as I'm aware there isn't a version of Hyper-v for Linux as yet!!

It is entirely irrelevant what the VM is running, this is talking about the underlying architecture.

Try to pay attention to the article eh...

Amazon offers cut-price support to make sure your Cloud stays up


Re: Can't do it.

It is entirely possible to make a cloud service stay up, it just takes a little intelligence, understanding, and ingenuity!

Something that is sorely lacking in far too many cases...