Re: Most philanthropic American...
And how much of this 'Philanthropy' does he get get back on his tax?
555 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2012
Indeed there are a lot of impressive Canines out there, Harry Redknapps for one. Did you know that his Bulldog (Rosie) runs all his financials? Even opened an account for him at a Bank in Monaco! His other Bulldog (Buster) is a partner in a group of solictors in the City of London.
Y'know since Signal Intelligence is so drunk on power.....wonder what the spouses of the operatives who work in these Government Departments (on the Tax Payers tit) think about their significant others day job of delivering a Police State for the New World Order....wonder if they're proud of them? Wonder if their children are?
"Give me more money, give me more power, give me more control, give me and my little satanic helpers a 'get out of jail free card' when we break the law. Do this and we will keep you in control of the huddled masses and help you fuck them up if they DARE to speak out against you"
Didn't read the speech, but was it something like that?
ICON: i'm even boring myself with all of this.
From your photos i think it would be wise for NASA or whoever plans a manned mission to the 'Red Planet' to have a 'Comedian' on board to keep everyones spirits up during the one way trip to oblivion, as the crew will probably end up doing spacewalks without their helmets, if that's going to be their 24/7 habitat on their one way journey......oh yes, and lots of Valium.
Re: Game of Thrones,
I must be getting old as i normally don't flinch when it comes to on-screen violence, but having plowed through the season 3 boxset (rented from local library) i have to say its like the televisual equivalent of death by a thousand cuts. It just seemed to be one form of cruelty after another perpetrated by characters, who i just can't connect with or care about on any level what so ever.
I just don't understand its appeal?