Re: False premise leads to false results
Interestingly, quantum physicists don't accept quantum physics. That isn't to say that they don't accept quantum mechanics. It has made far too many accurate predictions to not be true. But they don't accept the exact same quantum mechanics. There is a tremendous amount of churn in the field, with everybody developing their own specific improvements.
The same applies to relativity. The field is tremendously useful, but it is also very active with everybody providing their own unique contribution. Again, many accurate predictions demonstrate the worth of the theory. Gravitational lensing, and such.
And this is where climate science demonstrates that it isn't actually a science. Although it has made many "predictions" (actually they call them projections because they aren't good enough to call predictions), none of them has come true. Only in climate science do they average garbage and expect to get gold out.
Anybody that points out the failure to predict anything is shouted down. The worst insult is "not the right sort of climate scientist". There are two fatal, false, predictions:
1) computer models all predict far too much warming - two, three, even more, times what is actually found on a long-term basis
2) none of the climate scientists predicted the pause, which has lasted for 18 years an 8 months now.
Finally, in a real science, failed theories are modified in the light of new evidence. Only in climate science is the data modified to fit the theories.