* Posts by cityeyrie

1 publicly visible post • joined 8 Jun 2012

Study: The more science you know, the less worried you are about climate


A lot of human activity threatens humans, not just climate change

As usual this is treated as a 'we got the message wrong' problem as opposed to honouring people's possible good sense. What were people actually asked? I am not in the business of denying that human induced climate change is happening, but as an 'egalitarian communitarian' American 'with higher levels of scientific and mathematical knowledge' than the majority I must say I that the whole climate change hoopla has distracted us from the overt, measurable and directly human-caused problem of pollution, which relies on no model projections in the future but which can be seen killing people or otherwise impacting on their lives right now. Whatever the cause, as the climate changes people can adapt to it, as they have over the millenia. Pollution, however, of our air, water and food seems to have been forgotten in the drive to install a corrupt carbon credit scheme and in the debate over green tech. I am not particularly sceptical about whether climate change is happening, but question its importance as a threat compared to the many more direct ways humans are making the planet uninhabitable for themselves.