* Posts by Nicolas Hughes

3 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Dec 2006

Just how cute are cats? W3C can help

Nicolas Hughes
Dead Vulture

@Steven - unsupported by the underlying language

I agree that this separation of semantics is what the w3c is aiming at but as Ken Hagen pointed out it is not supported by the underlying language. The exclamation mark is a specific presentation of a supposedly semantic element. Of course those fools back in the middle ages didn't think to invent CSS for their printing presses so its just something we will be stuck with for a while yet.

Just take a deep breath and accept that the underlying language that you are rendering was never designed to support this separation of presentation from semantics. Then relax.

Is MySQL's Google's Trojan Horse for world domination?

Nicolas Hughes

Why speculate when you can look

What a lot of speculation about something nobody need ever speculate about. This is open source we are talking about - if you want to know if Google are sneaking nasties into the code look in the code. That's now open source works people.

Anyone speculating without bothering to look is just having a little shit-stirring fun for the heck of it. Best ignored.

Borland throws down Gauntlet to software defects

Nicolas Hughes

Repackaging established ideas

Other than migrating this from CVS to Subversion and putting their own GUI on it this looks uncannily like the system I implemented on a project 5 years ago. If this improves adoption with projects that have less of a testing mentality then its a good thing but I think everything here has been established as best practice some years back.

There are a couple of features that I have found valuable in the past 5 years that do not appear to be in Gauntlet yet - the one I'd put in first if I was them is a full mirror of the package structure in the SVN repository to hold the test code. Once it is in the repository it can share the labels and branches of the code itself which will save your sanity when the project gets messy.