The only thing that is tempting me... long overdue... to consider finally moving up to this new 11th OS x64 version is as follows:
"There are an increasing amount of us windows users that are running into the limitiations of FLS 'slots' when using plugins from multiple vendors causing plugins not to load.
128 FLS limit. FLS (Fiber Local Storage) limitations in Windows.
"(In the current Windows 10 Insider preview build, we've increased the slots from the Vista-era 128 to over 4000. If all goes well, this new cap will be in the Windows 10 19H1 release in the first half of this year.)"
Most of us affected are fully aware that this is down to a limitation of the windows OS and of course people are pressing MS to address this issue BUT Some vendors are 'hungrier' than others when it comes to using FLS slots and i'm sure it must be possible to 'economise' on the coding to some extent on plugin vendors part?....
The best performing appear to be Waves, once waveshell is opened then only 2 slots are used no matter how many other Waves plugins are loaded, Slate VMR is the same in this respect too so WELL DONE to those companies!"