* Posts by Caerwyn

3 publicly visible posts • joined 25 May 2012

NSA PRISM deepthroat VANISHES as pole-dance lover cries into keyboard

Black Helicopters

Re: Bingo

For AC @12:43

Skipping any complex argument about mutuality of trust, do the following words prompt any thoughts: McCarthyism, Nixon, Stasi.

Phones for the elderly: Testers wanted for senior service

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What part of this idea has upset people the most? The targeting of a specific age group? - I admit that 'Phones for the elderly' isn't the marketing campaign I'd use. Or, is it the fact that the commenter can't think of anyone that *may* use such a service? - I can think of different types of people that may like to try it, they aren't 'elderly' either.

This is an idea and if Mr Rockman has convinced someone to risk time and money on this venture let him run with it. Maybe it'll evolve into something else. Perhaps, instead, he should called it a concierge service...


Mars rover Opportunity spots WALL-E in crater ramble


Vulture Central you are too modest:
