Could it be that security fix requires hardware that is younger than three years old
152 publicly visible posts • joined 24 May 2012
Nonsense that Google wishes to reinstate Microsoft's OEM practices and bring back exclusive contracts for monopoly gain don't make sense.
Schmidt was brought in to get Google through its early years when infanticide by Microsoft was attempted and failed. Schmidt's experience with Microsoft's competitive practices in earlier decades led to Google's survival even though both Microsoft and Apple joined forces to Scroogle Google.
A recent peer reviewed Applied Math paper describes a unified theory of optimization. Several fields of statistical/big data problem solving have been unified. Google has used its expertise in optimization coding to supply TensorFlow code to all those who might need code to derive benefits from the unified theory of optimization. Even proprietary unicorns will eventually realize that the idea of seeking AI help with big-data research is to big not to share.
I doubt there is a farmer left in upstate New York still making shoes with the industrial strength sewing machine sold to him by my grandfather and made in my great grandfathers machine shop in Manhattan.
That was the definition of cottage industry in New York, however, cottage industry is alive and well in Frankfurt, protected by the illusion of German law.
Google snippets are at most 1080 p. Indexing and categorizing all the objects in an image is a transform ative use, that copyrights were meant to encourage.
People forget that time-limited exclusive rights to published/patented info are intended to support the public good through widely sharing information
One of the complaints against battery packs in high voltage substations is that they can't cope with rapid changes. Now they can.
Say every high power appliance in your home used the internet to conspire against you and time their combined power surge to the nearest microsecond, an upgraded Tesla home battery pack could cope.
If you don't get smarter about competitive behavior this year you might not be in business next year. Servers optimized for analysing huge data files needed to position products will be useless to those not organised to gain knowledge.
Small city down town or midtown NYC as few as 3% of the cars on the street could measure 99% of all driving behavior. Instruments for measuring and recording thousands of objects on city streets and sidewalks thousands of times a second in a thousand cars will not swamp Google's big data recording and analysis capabilities. Far from it. A thousand autonomous vehicles in a three mile radius of Grand Central Station might bring order to the streets and sidewalks of New York.
This can only help Google profits. Sales will be scored when and where they closing.
Name the last time you closed a greater than thousand dollar a deal without checking your smart phone. Search on your phone rules out baffle them with Bear Scat. Real Estate and Auto Dealers are watching a lot of walk out the door activity if their web ad does not square with what the smart phone using the Knowledge Graph says most closely approaches the truth.
Mobile Friendly will be supplemented with Spy Unfriendly. The Chinese Army and its Great Cannon will go poof. Actually privacy will be enforced. Inserting fake websites into the middle of private transactions won't work. Nevertheless, wordsmiths will persist in trying to find the right words to admonish Google to do the math.
To get two orders of magnitude improvement six or seven multiplicatively applied factors combine. To get any one factor maybe four or five process improvements must be applied in the right order by domain experts.
Countless dead ends and wasted engineering hours are prevented by tasking the best minds to focus on what they know best.
Yes this will affect Windows and the whole bogus SSL trust system. Technical means are available to stop the charade of trust and replace it with a technically enforceable system. If Google were raging, as the headline suggests the scramble to replace SSL would take weeks, not months.
or staff supporting flag grade officers. Company commanders and platoon leaders get Chromebooks not Pixels, sergeants and corporals get phablets. If you don't like the price for doing grunt work then see if you can do better with a proprietary tablet.
Enough AI at home, in car, or in fieldwork to: 1) Recognise new and exceptional conditions 2) send an encrypted situation assessment to owner of subsystem that shuts out Google and less capable entities (like the Chinese Army) from your business.
Among the concessions offered by cities that agree to the Google Fiber Checklist: 1) accurately map where underground gas lines, etc. exist 2) let Google pull cable through city owned fiber conduit 3) make building permits fast and easy to get (and the opportunity for holdups or graft non existent) 4) get telephone poles on city easements to accept fiber lines from multiple companies.
CJEU without coordinating with 28 nations' court systems the threw a huge burden on those systems. Without understanding what it was doing, a court without law-clerks botched the word-smithing and chose to remain ignorant of technological constraints. Like an ignoramus playing with a guillotine the CJEU cut its hand off and put its own head in the guillotine. Still calling for Google's head the dolt in charge is about guillotine herself while shrieking 'off with their heads'.
175 people have volunteered to have many measurements of many of their bodily and cellular functions taken over time (a lifetime). Some of those measurements may be taken at the rate EKGs are currently recorded (many times a second). Some of the states along their paths through life may approach "health" and those path segments that approach "health" most closely will be "baselined". Along the way, new measurement devices and data recording and analysis systems will be proven useful for medical science.
Think of your health on your PC. As your eyes, ears and touch become weaker you need accessibiliy options provided by your computer. Hopefully as a result of this and following studies , you will get options for accessibility to "health". A server farm is just a bigger computer.
Almunia's problem is managing EU politics. Stooges of the French and German political left have hands on throttle of the EU train-wreck in the making. Either they get the rest of the EU aboard or the EU will dissolve in chaos.
Harassing Google is popular with Hollande's supporters and a German/French version of the Intra-EU net would suit them. Let them build it on their own. After Google encrypts everything, gives users the encryption keys to their data on an App by App basis, un-bundles Apps with APIs suitable for any App with suitable data security/privacy options, the French/German intranet consortium will float a $300B IPO for their taxpayers to pick up. In the mean time Internet 2.0, made in America will not accept Atari-internet Apps made by the Fair Play Consortium because of the Swiss Chesey data security.
Due to local level bungling of zoning, building codes and roads, national governments see the need to bail out the existing owners of property that is literally below water of foreseeable storms. Transfer payments from all of us to the fools owning unbuildable lots will be mismanaged with high national-government overhead. If possible national plutoliticians will use disaster photo ops to cry on TV while they MANAGE to put people back in harms way.
Apple never knew how to do personal assistance and Now that Google's voice recognition, collaboration, security, productivity, Maps, Search, Browser, Social .... Apps are better, along comes Intel with efficient chips that don't burn your lap, don't make you plug in your laptop for a full day and don't make you attempt to type on a kluged up keyboard, Apple's laptops, Samsung's laptops, Google's Chromebooks, Lenovo's PC's, HP's PC's will all outsell iPads.
Once Intel started building chips that do not offend user sensibilities iPad's niche was gone. Moreover, iThings were crippled by their lack of personal context, AI/big-data context, and plays-well-with-others cloud-features. IBM can supply those features, so can MS, Google and other's who have building an open, thin-client heaven, while Apple's ecology has been taking Candy from babies.
Yes! a national court must decide each and every case that is not taken down upon request of an unnamed 'unforgotten'. It turns out that that anyone wishing to pick an old wound can publicly embarrass whomever they are feuding with. Unintended consequences? Good thing the EU shifted the court costs to nations that need more Lawyer National Product.
Google bought Quickoffice because it had broken the proprietary MS/Office code that kept me from updating my stuff (*docx,*.xlsx,*pptx) on my Google Drive. Adding the ability to edit my stuff on my drive breaks the MS/Office monopoly on my stuff.
About a year ago Google said 90% of users only want/need Apps that can edit MS proprietary formats; they don't need the integrated fru-fru sold as enterprise solutions.
There were the cudgel's leftover from MS's business machine monopoly. MS threatened business buyers with unemployment, while selling business machines to bosses. Old boy sales organization-men enjoyed the hijinks while disparaging competitors business machines, and laughing at Scroogled jokes.
Those days are gone: 5B users are now seen to be more important than 50M bosses.
Old non business users were forced to adapt to Windows, or die out of touch with their kids and grandkids, so they bought PCs and learned to Skype. All in all, users were not delighted by Windows/Office's the ease of use.
It's never too late to reenact the the last war. Fifteen years from now (like Star Trek lovers), bar owners and others will hold Glasshole reenactments in dark places: saving electricity and protecting their quaint point of view from public exposure.
by a factor of two in every dimension. I'd like to see a reporter ask. Why not make bars, and obnoxious people totally unaware of the enhanced peripheral awareness Glass provides. Why not clunk the mugger first when you see him coming up from the rear. Why not clock the jerk trying to blind side you. Why not have court ready chain of evidence assured files ready at the DA milliseconds before assault turns into assault and battery?