We are very happy to go on Google Maps and see if the road is clogged
And I'm very happy to not be cold - as long as I'm not on fire!
20 publicly visible posts • joined 23 May 2012
Again, I agree but my early years were always don't steal, don't hurt people, don't assume you can have what you want without asking permission and ultimately don't take things that aren't yours or think you can make people do things they don't want.
I never had a 'Don't spike drinks'' or 'Don't take advantage' because that's just something you're not allowed to do to anyone as part of the above and lets be honest anyone willing to do that damn well knows it's not acceptable but is doing it anyway.
To be honest, if I thought I was falsely accused I'd probably go all out to defend myself and as they say the best form of defence is a good offence - even though there's supposed to be a presumption of innocence I'd still be terrified of an accusation like this.
Cards on the table, I'm no oil painting and I've, unbelievably had a very drunk and quite (I really hate to say but haven't the wit to state a better term) desperate woman literally chase me down the street and I'm so glad I was clear headed enough at the time not to do what she was asking of me that I honestly don't know what to think on this.
Perhaps this is an example of where at the very least a legal conviction should be required before commenting or actioning? If it turns out he warrants censure then absolutely that must happen but I have to say this strikes me as something so important that we must be as close to surety as possible before saving/condemning someone?
Bus stop screens, tourist information screens, ads in shopping centres - why would they need to hide a camera, you're probably on CCTV anyway?
As for blatantly illegal ones like 'that big widescreen TV in your hotel room' why would they need to hide it in the TV given the scores of minute spy cameras you can get nowadays - probably get better angles too.
In all of your scenarios this technology offers nothing a pinhole in a dark bezel that could be anywhere nearby wouldn't already do.
That if I wanted high end photography I'd buy a sodding camera?
I love having Maps, Google, Wikipedia, the usual crap.. on the phone so I'm surely not that hard headed but seriously, if I need such an exceptional image I wouldn't expect a phone to pick up the slack.
I wonder if the Galaxy S10 will have a rocking chair function?
If this all came out in the open in early 2018 then how can last quarter 2017 represent a triumph? Surely they've shrugged off something that didn't exist at the point the earnings call was made?
I would have thought with the way the world is now, the next 12 months will be the proof in the pudding for Krzanich.