Firefox has been my default browser for many years.
It is for one reason only:
Every other browser has eliminated the menu bar that we learn how to Internet on.
34 publicly visible posts • joined 22 May 2012
#Microsoft sent down an update to #Windows11 , #KB5023706 around 3/13/2023.
Before this my great RYO PC booted from POST beep to login in 23 SECONDS.
After #KB5023706 my stodgy POS PC boots in 2 MINUTES 25 SECONDS.
It won't uninstall. #MS disavows any prob.
And I am pissed off!
Lots of other victims have asked about relief from this hideous mistake.
But like MS's other hideous mistakes, maybe it is a feature.
It seems to bork SSDs. If you never reboot, you'll never notice.
The massive manipulation of humongous databases by ginormous arrays of infinite processing power is NOT AI.
It is reminiscent of 1950s muscle cars, which could go very fast, but could not turn, stop, nor last past 50K miles. What they call "AI" is just an exercise in bloat, and a misnomer bigger than calling offsite-storage-somewhere as "The Cloud".
Real AI cannot get achieved in binary.
Given Ted Cruz's immense ignorance and immense arrogance, I would like to ask him if he has any idea what the contents of the letter that he signed means. As he is the anointed of God to lead America through the battle of Armageddon to establish the Thousand Year Reich of Jesus on Earth, what's he worried about DNS for?
I have used a professional tape degausser, a powerful electromagnet which changes polarity 60 times a second. I have held it on one side of a hard drive for a full minute, flipped the drive over and applied it to the other side for a full minute. I might as well have been stroking it with a feather. Unless you might try a crane magnet, my experience with degaussing has proved it ineffective.
I try to avoid doing business with criminals and cheats. That is why none of the many PCs I have built have had Intel chips since Intel's antitrust and fraud convictions long ago. Whilst it is impossible to totally avoid Intel, I will not consciously give them money for their overhyped sand.
My 2 AMD PCs and 2 AMD laptops purr right along through every hazard, animation rendering or game I throw at them. I will always brag-up AMD chips and I wish them well.
I redid the laptop, build 10074 iso, and it seems to have the bug 0x80246017 that plagued build 9996 that prevents d/ling update builds; nasty that.
On a more heartening note, God Mode works just fine on Win 10. So you can mosey over to
and get your buddy back. It'll fix yer file assns too.
Quantum computing always impressed me as vaporware. However, your throwaway line "...but it would just be an analogue computer, so you couldn't expect any magical speed-up." really has no moxie behind it. I think that analog should take off because we already have experience in it, both as man-made, and our own brains. We only started all that binary digital computing cock-up because it was so EASY.
I own a Samsung HomeSync media box. It is a very nice concept, but unusable as a media box. For that, I am happy with a WD Live to stream from my PC. The Samsung box is unusable because of Samsung's ignorant proprietary OS and concept of functionality. I believe that when this TV prob is sorted out, the cause will be the Samsung brain-broke designers.
No, the biggest thing missing from this phone is the ability to mod the software. Samsung's Knox security app firmly puts the kibosh on installing firmware not meeting Samsung's approval. This includes simply rooting your phone. So open-source be damned. Samsung wants to be able to do BYOD to government and military, and so imposed security that screwed the rest of us.
I have noticed the price difference between the UK and US tech gear as long as I have been reading The Reg. I am a Yank, and a pro hardware geek. Maybe you should look at your own tax and tariff structure. If the price diff were simply a matter of business, competition would have knocked prices low a long time ago.
I have worn the Samsung watch with camera for a month-and-a-half. I like it and wear it almost every day. It is wed to my Galaxy Note II. It is very comfortable, but I live in subtropical Texas, so the plastic band can get a little humid. The main gripe that users and I have is that the accelerometer that turns the face on is not reliable. This is not a biggy. The little camera in the band is quite handy for its size, like 1.6Mp or something. I have kept text notification - read text msgs on the watch. I had to kill email notification because my wrist was spamming me.It has a lot of apps and is very configurable. I like it.
I have nothing but praise for Uwe Boll and his work. He has a fantastic sense of humor in following his horrid "Bloodrayne: The Third Reich" with "Blubberella" , a hilarious (or an hilarious) parody of his own "Bloodrayne: The Third Reich". He is definitely the best choice to dramatize the Snowden affair, with Brendan Fletcher playing something-or-other.
Back in '96, my 18-year-old puter guru insisted I trash Win95 and run a bootleg of NT4 Server. That was well worth the effort and led me to being the network drudge I am today. The absolutely most impressive part of the package was the spider app that came in the Resource Pack. It had this spherical gui that looked like a spider and worked really well. I have actually reinstalled NT4 just to gain access to that spider to run it on a site. I have never found a spider app to equal it, please let me know if you've found one.
I have built Monster PCs. But I have always let ethics enter in. I will not buy gear from criminal anti-trust violators, no matter how contrite they have tried to appear after getting caught. That is why I would not put an Intel CPU in a build even if it were 10 GHz, free, and could d/l tomorrow's porn today.
I found Mr. Orlowski's comment thickly over-intellectual and far off track. It is not necessary to apply something as weedy as economic hypothesis (not theory, there are no economic theories except for Keynes's). The best and most productive analogy I can come up with is the Free Lending Library. You no longer have to leave the comfort of your home, and put on clothes, to enjoy the totality of human art and knowledge. Try that economic model.
I watched while HP got transformed from the most respected geekware manufacturer to a flogger of flossy consumer junk. Oh the heady days of breaking in a new HP Tone Generator and turning it into an AM transmitter. I pinned the decline on Carly Fiorini's egomaniacal mismanagement but machts nichts. If it went private back into the families' hands, it would make a great heroic tale full of kick-ass O-scopes.