* Posts by Peter 54

2 publicly visible posts • joined 18 May 2012

How can the BBC be saved from itself without destroying it?

Peter 54

'the loss of an independent Beeb would be a loss to British public life'


I see what you did there, but the notion of independence, at least as far as the BBC defines it, has crossed too many lines. Especially today.

It is beyond saving as it cannot be trusted to be accurate or impartial at any level.

Which for a news entity... is pretty key.

Lives depend on what they cannot, or don't want to... get right.

Shoreditch's sparkle smokescreen leaves BBC journo 'tech-struck'

Peter 54

It's probably 'unique', or FoI excluded

"Auntie has a reluctance to address technology bubbles – as demonstrated by this extraordinary Newsnight. When unicorns have been sighted, the Best Bits get Censored.

Why could that be?"

Beyond other reasons cited, maybe:



Best Bits Censored - as for the rest, question's are not being asked either. Top it off with watertight oversight and you have the most trusted news monopoly in the world.

And that's how you REALLY hold the powerful to account. Ask the front runner for the next DG. With her, it's genetic.