Maybe its human intervention
On the animals natural diet thats causing the excess gas problem,incidentally how does one actually measure a reduction in green cow gas [grass]?
1076 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2012
How those on "hours as required" paid employers hate us "hourly paid" bods asking for overtime payments for work they want us to do in our own time and for free.
Oh its only this [insert highly descriptive content] and it'll only take you ten minutes [Note to self: gasp and insert expletive along description of bulls gonads]
Id suggest we watch the skys for any kind of retaliation it looks like the movies are wrong we attacked first.......
OOOH ARRGH.......Suddenly the top began moving, rotating, unscrewing, and Ogilvy feared there was a man inside, trying to escape. he rushed to the cylinder, but the intense heat stopped him before he could burn himself on the metal.
"The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one," he said.
"The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one - but they still
come!"........OOOH ARRGH..
And the books free on Amazon in kindle version if you want to know the outcome
The stink your smelling is the smoke from well matured virgin rolled cigars clasped in the mouths of the old boy network, heartily clapping themselves on the back for doing such a good job getting political allies to bank roll them for another year.
As for the Dictionary I think the word "Free" needs a new definition......
Stop regurgitating other people news stories and make your own
Stop taking the side of a particular party and report the news as is
Stop pretending all your audience are upper to middle class
Stop being so polite during interviews we want the hard truth not some tribal whimpering pandering
Stop pretending its your money your spending and not the license payers
Stop having an upper class Eton/Cambridge attitude to everyone else
Nope its just a standard USB drive with two ends one standard and one micro if you were to plug a.n.other drive into it you would need an adapter and the software may have issues recognizing the second drive.
My issue with this type of drive is the poor protection they have on the connection side after all its banging around with keys and change in your pocket all day.
Im surprised at how small the attachments are on the "legs" I know space is weightless but they seem awful small to take a lot of stress as the robot climbs around.And as previous posts I would have thought a multi limbed device much like a spider with at least three anchor points thus two are always attached to stop the robot twisting during point changes.
Id be more impressed if they designed a decent remote connection dock for all the cabling instead of having it all hanging off either the back or the side of the screen.Something with a small easily concealable flat cable that connected to the screen from several meters away thus eradicating the need for everything to connect directly.
And they know this how, rats are by their very nature virtually undetectable?
Seriously i wouldn't be surprised if a "large security hole" suddenly appears very soon and is massively publicized by an allegedly MS sponsored media outlet.
Seems to have issues when you want to change content even on an android tablet and it can at times lose connection to your tablet so you have no control at all over the dongle which carries on playing.
Setting up I had connection issues the device just wouldn't connect to the BT router and responses read via internet trawling didn't look promising.I resolved the issue by disabling the password requirement to the router successfully connected the device then after re enabling it the device worked fine with the password requirement ......why it didn't in the first place is a mystery.
As has already been stated it needs more support from other vendors I guess its akin to a new Windows version in that requirement.
It is with regret that due to adverse external interference the company formally known as the CIA is required to modify some system data to protect you and you beloved country from serious harm.Unfortunately it may noticed that the system has a slight lag whilst accessing some files with the new improved search engine but this will soon clear up once corrupt data eradication is complete.
Please ensure to file in the attached customer satisfaction survey so that we may provide a better service to you in the future should you still be in office.Please disable your locally installed anti virus whilst opening the file as it may corrupt the contents and prevent your survey fully opening.